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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Sunday, August 7

GL Flexfield Security Rules

To prohibit certain users from accessing specific segment values, you can define flexfield security rules and assign those rules to the responsibility of the restricted users. For example, you can create a security rule that grants a user access only to his or her own department.

How to Define Security Rules?

Navigate to Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Security > Define

1. In the Find Key Flexfield Segment window, enter:
- Title : Accounting Flexfield
- Structure: Demo Accounting Flex
- Segment: Company

2. Select the Find button.

3. Enter the parameters for the security rule.

4. In the Security Rules region:
- Name: Demo FFS
- Description: Company Not Valid for Responsibility
- Message: Demo FFS – Company not valid for responsibility

5. In the Security Rules Elements region:
- Include: 00 – 99
- Exclude: 00 - 00

6. Save your work.

7. Select the Assign button and assign the rule to:
- Application: Oracle General Ledger
- Responsibility: Demo Vision Operations, USA
- Name: Demo FFS

8. Save your work.

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