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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Friday, August 5

Oracle O2C Life Cycle in 11i

1 We will create the material in the Inventory.

Nav : Inventory, Vision Operations (USA) à Items à Master Items.

2) It will ask for which organizations u want to create this materials Here I am selecting V1 organization.

3) Created an item xx3k0062. and the main screen appears as below. And the user item type will be

Purchased item this is for Tools à copy from template.

4) This is for Inventory tab.

Select Inventory item, Stockable, Transactable, Reservable

5) This is for Bills tab.

6) This is for Asset Management tab.

8) For purchasing tab enable so and so things and give the list price as Rs.100.

9) For Receiving tab.

10) For Physical Attributes tab. OM Indivisible is marked so that we may order in fraction

and buy in fractions too.

11) General Planning tab.

12) MPS/MRP planning tab.

13) Lead Times tab.

14) Work in Process tab.

15) Order Management tab. These are the following we need to put enable.

16) This is for Invoicing tab.

17) This is for Service tab

18) This is for Web Options

19) Before doing Main screen that is the first tab we have to select the copy from

Menu bar Tools à Organization assignment

20) Then u has to select Template as Purchased Item. Click on Done

21) Now save the item. In order to assign this item to other organizations

Tools à Organization Assignment

22) I have assigned for M1, M2, M3 organizations too from V1 organization

23) In the Org Attributes tab we can set different amounts for different organizations in pricing tab.

Creation of an item is completed.

24) For adding the items in the inventory that is the availability of the items we have to add the

items in this and the navigation is in Inventory

Transactions à Receiving à Miscellaneous Transactions.

25) Give the details as follows and click Transaction Lines. and select Miscellaneous Receipt

26) You will get the below window.

27) Then give the item name and the quantity. Give the subinventory as Stores

28) and then the quantity as 1000 and then save the account already 10000 items have been

created and 1000 items will get added. And press save now the total quantity will become 11000

29) Now the items have increased to 11000 from 10000

30) If we want to transfer the items from one organization to another organization.

The navigation is as follows :

In Inventory Transactions à Inter-organization transfers

31) The screen appears as below

32) Click on Transaction Lines

33) then save now the materials have been moved to another organization ie from V1 to M1.

Just check whether the items have been transferred or not.

In Inventory On,hand Availability à On-hand Quantity

The screen appears as below and enter the following details

34) Now the screen appears as below for M1

So 1000 items have been available in M1 organization.

35) Now we have to define the selling price in Order Management. The price which we have

mentioned in Inventory is of cost price. Now we have to create the selling price in Order Management.

The navigation is

In Order Management Pricing à Price List SetUp

36) Now query the form and type Corporate and then press ctrl + F11.U will be getting this screen

37) Now add the item in the Corporate as below

38) Now the screen appears as below and we have to give the price value I have given as

Rs. 2000=00. then save it. Selling price has been set

39) Now we will create a Sales Order.

In Order Management

Orders, Returns à Sales orders

Click on the button

40) And the fill the details as below

. Enter Customer and Order Type. The other fields may default values. If “Ship To Location”,

“Bill To Location” and “Price List” are not defaulted, pick those values from “LOV”.

All the fields should default in Others tab. If Payment Terms or Warehouse is not defaulted,

choose values from LOV. Warehouse parameter stores the warehouse from which the order will be shipped

Enter “Ordered Item”, “Qty”, “UOM”.

Note: The item should already be setup in Inventory. Please refer to Item Setup for the item setup information. The item price should exist in the price list specified at the order header level. Please refer to Price List Setup section for price list setup.

Base Tables: Header Level : oe_order_headers_all

Colums: flow_status_code= “ENTERED” and booked_flag=”N”

Line Level : oe_order_lines_all

Columns : flow_status_code= “ENTERED” and open_flag=”Y”

41) Now go to Line Items tab and enter the details as follows

42) Now check the availability whether the items are available or not. Click on Availability

The items are available.

43) Now Book the order by clicking Book Order.

The screen appears as below. Click ok

Base Tables: Header Level : oe_order_headers_all

Colums: flow_status_code= “BOOKED” and booked_flag=”Y”

Line Level : oe_order_lines_all

Columns : flow_status_code= “WAITING SHIPING” and booked_flag=”Y”

Shipping: wsh_delivary_details

Columns released_status=”R” ‘Ready To Release’


44) Sales Order has been booked and the order no. is 56838

45) Now we have Launch Pick Release. In order management

Shipping à Transactions and click on it

46) Give the from Order Number. Now click on find

47) Now goto Actions and select Launch Pick Release and then click Go

Tables: wsh_delivary_details




oe_order_lines_all flow_status_code= “PICKED



48) The screen appears below. Click ok.

After pressing OK then the concurrent program called ‘Pick Slip Report’

will be run and it will show the complete details. The output is below

And then another program called ‘Shipping Exceptions Report’ will be runned.

49) Go back to Sales order screen and then give the Sales Order number

and query it and give the s.o number and the number is 56838

50) Go to line items and check the status and the status will be picked.

51) Then goto Shipping à Transactions and give order numbers

U will be getting the above screen after giving the S.O number.

52) Now goto Delivery tab below and Actions as Ship Confirm

And press Go the screen will be shown below

Tick the Create Bill of Lading and click ok

U will get Delivery was successfully completed. Click ok.

Tables: wsh_delivary_details




oe_order_lines_all flow_status_code= “SHIPPED



53) After clicking ok then go to view à Requests

And click find

54) u will be getting the below window. So the programs like ‘Shipping

Exceptions Report’, ‘Bill of Lading’, ‘Packing Slip Report’, ‘Commercial Invoice’,

‘Vehicle Load Sheet Details’ , ‘Interface Trip Stop’ will be running

55) The View Output for Vehicle Load Sheet Details will be as below

56) Now go back to Sales Order window then query and give the sales

order number then in the line items tab u will be getting status as Shipped

57) Now go to View à Requests

58) and click Submit a new request

59) click on Single Request

60) Please give the details as below then click ok

61) Click on Submit button

62) Then click on find

63) So the programs like ‘Workflow Background Process’, ‘ADS,

(Autoinvoice Master Program)’, ‘ADS, (Autoinvoice Master Program)’,

‘Autoinvoice Import Program’ will be runned successfully.

Tables: wsh_delivary_details





64) The output for Autovoice import program is below

Upto now order management module was completed

65) Now goto Account Receivables Manager Responsibility and the invoice

for the shipped quantity will be automatically generated in Receivables.

Nav : Transactions à Transactions.

Go to query mode and type Sales Order no. in Reference field and press ctrl + F11

So the invoice no. 10020802 is generated. And the Balance Due is shown in the diagram.

66) Now we will be getting Receipts from the customer.

And the receipts will be entered in the below navigation.

Nav : Receipts à Receipts. Click on it

67) Now give payment method as follows. And then in Identify by field pls.

give the invoice no. then the customer details will be generated and then

give receipt no. and receipt amount. The diagram is shown below and then click on Apply

68)If u click apply the below screen appears

69) and now save it. The below screen appears

70) after closing, this form appears. The Receipt No., is 7656755

TABLES: ar_cash_receipts_all




71) then click on receipt history.

U will be getting below screen and the status is confirmed

72) Now after receipts have been entered then we have to remit that into bank.

So the navigation is

Nav : Receipts à Remittances. You will be getting the below screen

73) give the bank name as Bank of America and the details are below. And then Auto create

74) After clicking Auto Create the below screen appears

75) Then give the Receipt Numbers as below and enable the create button and then press ok

76) It will ask for automatic creation. Press yes

77) you will be getting the below on ok

78)You will be getting below screen and the batch number is 1077

79) If you check at Views à Requests à Find. U will be getting below screen.

‘Automatic Remittances Creation Program’ this program will execute after creating

80) again goto Receipts à Remittances query it and give batch number and

press ctrl + F11. U will be getting below screen

81) Now click on approve then u will be getting below window

Click Yes. Concurrent Request will run.

View à Request à Find

‘Automatic Remittances Creation Program’ this program will be running and

after executing and the screen appears below

And the output is below for the above report

82) close the window and again open the remittances window and query it and

give batch no. 1077 and then press ctrl+F11

And click on Format. Again 1 request will be submitted. Press yes

Goto view à Requests à find

U will be getting the below screen

The o/p for above highlited ‘Automatic Remittances Creation Program’ is below

83) Now goto Receipts window and query it and give Receipt no.

and then press ctrl + F11. Then u will be getting below window

84) Now click on receipt History then u wil be getting the below screen and

shows Confirmed and Remitted

85) Now we have to do the reconciliation in Cash Management and the navigation is

Cash Management à Bank Statements à Bank Statement and Reconciliation

86) u will get below window

87) click new the window appears below

88) The below screen appears

89) and click on lines u will be getting below window

90) and give the details as follows. Type : Receipt., number = Receipt no.,

Amount= Receipt amount

91) Click on Available U will get below window

And click of find the below screen appears it will take to AR module click on reconcile

92) Tick it and then press Reconcile button and the screen is below

93) Enter Yes. The below window appears

Goto Cash management > Bank Statements > Manual Clearing > Clear Transactions

Give the necessary details about the account

And Press “Find”....

Query our Transaction for which the Receipt's Status Should be Cleared

nd Press “Clear Transaction”.

Then Goto Receipt and Query the Receipt ….Then the Status Changes to Cleared.

94) Now goto Receivables Manager à Receipts à Receipts

95) Query it and then give the receipt no. and then press ctrl+F11 then the status will be cleared

96) Click on Receipt History and then u will find below screen the amount has been cleared

97) After reconciliation the concurrent program will be running

‘Automatic Remittances Creation Program’ and the output is

98) Now we have to move the data to General Ledger.

Nav : Receivables Manager à Interfaces à General Ledger the below screen appears.

Click ok

99) U will be getting below screen

100) u wil be getting below screen

101)fil the details as below and then press ok

102) then submit

103) View à Requests à find u will be getting the below screen

104) The 4 concurrent programs will be running.

‘General Ledger Transfer Program’ and the o/p will be

Then ‘Revenue Recognition’ and o/p will be

Then ‘Journal import’ the o/p will be

And ‘Update Posting Control’ no data is available for this report.

104) Then goto General Ledger and we have to post.

Nav : General Ledger Super User à Journals à Post

105) Then the below screen appears. Give period as Aug 07 and Batch as I am not sure

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