Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Compilation of Oracle Payables Implementation notes by Ranu Srivastava
Setting up Banks ................................................................................................................................................
Defining Internal Bank ...............................................................................................................................
Payables Options ............................................................................................................................................
Defining Payment Documents ....................................................................................................................
Creating Suppliers..............................................................................................................................................
Overview of Suppliers ................................................................................................................................
Supplier Information - Control Region ...........................................................................................................
Bank Account Region............................................................................................................................... 10
Supplier Information - Invoice Tax region.................................................................................................... 10
Entering Basic Supplier Site Information.................................................................................................. 12
Supplier Site Information - General Region.................................................................................................. 12
Supplier Site Information - Tax Reporting region ......................................................................................... 13
Supplier Reports....................................................................................................................................... 16
Invoices............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Invoice Types ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Assigning a Default GL Date.................................................................................................................... 17
Entering Invoices...................................................................................................................................... 18
Batch Control Form.................................................................................................................................. 18
Invoice Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Demo examples................................................................................................................................................ 22
Type of Accounting Flows............................................................................................................................27
Invoice Gateway........................................................................................................................................... 27
Apply & Release Holds on AP invoices.................................................................................................... 28
Levels of Invoice Approval .......................................................................................................................... 32
Processing Debit & Credit Memos.................................................................................................................... 32
Clearing a Credit....................................................................................................................................... 33
Recording a Price Correction.................................................................................................................... 33
Processing Pre-Payments .......................................................................................................................... 34
Accounting in Oracle Payables......................................................................................................................... 36
Accounting Events :.................................................................................................................................. 36
Creating Accounting Entries : ................................................................................................................... 38
Viewing Accounting entries...................................................................................................................... 38
Overview of Transferring accounting to GL.............................................................................................. 39
Reviewing accounting Entries................................................................................................................... 39
Implementing Supplier Invoices ....................................................................................................................... 40
Setting Tolerance Levels for invoice Taxes............................................................................................... 40
Settingup invoice payables options ........................................................................................................... 40
Implementation considrations ................................................................................................................... 41
Payments.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Payment overview.................................................................................................................................... 42
Create a quick Check................................................................................................................................ 46
Processing Stop Payments ........................................................................................................................ 46
Voiding Payments .................................................................................................................................... 47
Refund...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Overview of Payment Batches .................................................................................................................. 48
Overview of Electronic Payment Options ................................................................................................. 55
Pre-Requisites for processing electronic payments.................................................................................... 55
Creating EDI payment batches.................................................................................................................. 56
Implementing Payments ................................................................................................................................... 56
Payment Terms......................................................................................................................................... 56
Payment Formats...................................................................................................................................... 58
Define Financials Options (Required) ....................................................................................................... 60
Define Payables Options (Required) ......................................................................................................... 61
Quick Reference............................................................................................................................................... 62
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Setting up Banks
Setup > Payment > Banks
Define Bank Accounts (Required) Define Banks where you are the account holder of a receipt and/or
disbursement account. You can also use Payables to define external banks where your suppliers are the account
holders. If you define your external bank accounts now, you will be able to assign them to suppliers you set up
later. This step must be performed for each operating unit.
Oracle Financial Applications, including Payables, Receivables and Cash Management, share bank definitions,
although not every application uses all available bank information. Each bank can have multiple branches, each
branch can have multiple accounts, and each account can be associated with multiple Payables payment
documents, as well as multiple Receivables payment methods.For Payables, you use the Banks window to
define your internal bank accounts from which you disburse payments. For each internal bank account, you can
define payment documents for checks, electronic payments (EFT and EDI), wire transfers and clearing
payments. You use this same Banks window to enter supplier bank information for your suppliers to which you
send electronic payments.
Entering Basic Bank Information In the Banks window, you can enter all basic bank information: bank
name, branch name, bank number and branch number. Select Bank as the institution.
EDI/EFT Information If you intend to use this bank/branch to disburse funds through either EDI or EFT, you
must enter the appropriate information.
Address Enter the address for the bank branch.
Contact Optionally, enter the name, title and phone number of contact at this bank branch.
Defining Internal Bank
accounts Internal bank are the bank accounts for which you are the account holder. Receivables uses internal
bank accounts to receive payments from customers. Payables uses internal bank accounts to disburse funds to
suppliers. You access the Bank Accounts window by clicking the Bank Accounts button on the Banks window.
Bank Account You enter the name of the account, an account use of internal, the account type, the account
number and a description. You should have the name of the account match the name on the bank’s records and
then use the description field to indicate how the account is used, for example, main disbursement account. The
account type is a free-form field that you might use to indicate whether the account is a savings or checking
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
account or whether it’s a corporate or division account. You enter the cash account number that should be
charged for payments made from this bank account. You can also enter accounts for cash clearing, bank charges
and bank errors that will be used when you reconcile with Cash Management.
Account Contact
You can enter the name, title and telephone for a contact specific to this bank account.
Payables Options
• Maximum Outlay - The largest currency outlay that you allow for a payment batch for
this bank account. If the total outlay of a payment batch exceeds the maximum outlay for
the payment batch, Payables displays a warning, but allows you to continue processing
the payment batch. The Maximum Outlay for a bank account defaults from the Payables
Options window. When you initiate a payment batch using the bank account, Payables
uses the bank account’s Maximum Outlay as a default. You can override this default.
• Maximum Payment - The largest payment amount that you allow in a payment batch.
When you initiate a payment batch using the bank account, Payables uses the bank
account’s Maximum Payment as a default. You can override this default.
• Minimum Payment - The lowest payment amount that you allow in a payment batch.
When you initiate a payment batch using the bank account, Payables uses the bank
account’s Minimum Payment as a default. You can override this default.
• Allow Zero Payments - If you allow zero-amount payments from this bank account,
enable this option.
• Pooled Account - If you use Automatic Offsets and you want to associate multiple
companies with this bank account, then enable this option. When you enable the
Automatic Offsets Payables option, Payables creates one offsetting liability distribution
for each invoice distribution. If you pay an invoice from a pooled bank account, then
when Payables accounts for the invoice payment, Payables creates one corresponding
cash accounting entry for each liability distribution.
- In addition, Payables builds the cash account based on the Cash Account defined
for the bank account and the account segments of the liability lines.
- If you do not use a pooled account, then when Payables accounts for the payment, it
creates a single accounting entry for the Cash account, and uses the Cash Account
that is defined for the bank account without modifying any account segments.
• Multiple Currency Payments - If you have enabled the Use Multiple Currencies Payables
option and you want to use this bank account to pay invoices entered in multiple
currencies, enable this option.
Defining Payment Documents
You must create at least one payment document before you can use a bank account to create invoice payments.
When you define payment documents, you can only select payment formats that use the same currency as the
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
bank account currency. If the bank account is a multiple currency bank account, you can choose foreign
currency payment formats or multiple currency
payment formats. You access the Payment Documents window by clicking the Payables
Documents button on the Bank Accounts window.
Tabbed Regions
Document Information
• Document Name - Enter a name for the payment document that is unique for the bank account.
• Disbursement Type - Select the appropriate disbursement type: Recorded, Computer-Generated, or Combined.
• Payment Format - Select the payment format you want Payables to use to format payments for a payment
document. Payables displays the payment method for the payment format you selected in the previous field.
• Document Numbers/Last Used - Enter the last payment number you used to create a payment. If you are
defining a new payment document, enter the number of the first document available less 1. Payables
automatically updates this number when you create payments.
• Document Numbers/Last Available - Enter the last payment document number available.
• Document Numbers/Setup Checks - Enter the number of setup checks you want the system to print at the
beginning of each automatic payment batch or quick payment. This field is only needed when the payment
method is checks and allows you to use these checks to align your printer. Setup checks may only be needed
when you use pre-printed check format.
GL Accounts
If the accounts that should be used with this payment document differ from the accounts entered on the bank
account window, you override them the accounts by entering different cash, cash clearing, bank charges and
bank errors accounts on this tabbed region.
Create Bank (Enter Addres & Contact)
Create Bank Account
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Create Payables Documents
Creating Suppliers
Purchasing Responsibility (N) Supply Base > Suppliers
How Oracle Products Use Supplier Information
Suppliers can be set up from many different applications, but the data is stored in only one place. Applications
sharing supplier information include Purchasing, Payables, Assets, and PropertyManager.
Purchasing Purchasing uses supplier defaults, such as freight terms and shipping details, on requisitions,
purchase orders, requests for quotations, etc.
Payables Payables uses supplier defaults, such as method of payment and bank account information,
during invoice entry and payment processing.
Assets Assets maintains the supplier name and number for each asset record.
Property Manager PropertyManager exports lease invoices for suppliers to Payables so they may be paid.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Overview of Suppliers
Set up suppliers in the Suppliers window to record information about companies and individuals from whom
you purchase goods and services. When you enter a supplier that does business from multiple locations, you
store supplier header information only once, and you enter supplier sites for each location. Most supplier
information defaults to supplier sites.However, you can override the values that default if necessary. After you
define suppliers, you can use them when you enter invoices and create purchasing documents.
Step 1 Defining Suppliers
Supplier Record Structure For every supplier, you can create an unlimited number of supplier sites with
different addresses and contacts. You can buy from several different sites while sending the payments to only
one site. Define how supplier sites may be used with the following options:
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
• Pay - You can enter invoices for and make payments to the site.
• Purchasing - You can create purchase orders for the site.
• RFQ Only - You can create request for quotations in Purchasing for the site. You cannot create purchase orders
for an RFQ Only site.
• Procurement Card - You can purchase goods or services using a procurement card. Designate a site as an RFQ
Only site during the beginning of negotiations with a supplier. If you decide to use the supplier, designate the
supplier site as a Purchasing site by deselecting the RFQ Only option and selecting the Purchasing Site option.
For each supplier site, you can enter contact information (name, address, telephone) specific to that site. Contact
information is for your reference only.
Supplier Information - General Region
Parent Supplier Name and Number You can record the relationship between a franchise or subsidiary and its
parent company by recording a value for the Parent Supplier Name field. Use the Vendor Affiliated Structure
Listing to report relationships you’ve defined.
Customer Number The number your supplier uses to identify your company or organization. This number
appears on purchase documents.
Supplier Information - Classification Region
You assign types to each supplier to categorize and report on subsets of suppliers. You define the list of values
available through the Purchasing Lookups window. Tax Authority and Employee type suppliers have additional
• Tax Authority type suppliers are suppliers that you remit withholding taxes to.
• Employee type suppliers can be associated with an employee name and number. They may be a supplier for
purposes of travel and expense reimbursement or because they own a business from which you purchase goods
and services.
Supplier Information accounting Region
Entered at supplier level only if you are not using Multi-Org
Supplier Information - Control Region
Entry of defaults on this tabbed region at the supplier level will not prevent payment processing, but will simply
provide defaults to new supplier sites. Control is affected only through values established at the site level.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Invoice Amount Limit If you enter an invoice for a supplier site that exceeds a pre-specified invoice amount
limit, Payables will automatically place the invoice on an Amount Hold during the invoice approval process.
Invoice Match Option The Invoice Match Option determines whether or not you intend to match invoices for
this supplier against purchase orders or receipts.
Hold All Payments Select the Hold All Payments option to prevent any invoices entered for the supplier site
from being selected for payment processing.
Hold Unapproved Invoices If the Hold Unapproved Invoices option is selected, Payables will automatically
apply a Supplier hold to all invoices as they are entered.
Hold Unmatched Invoices If the Hold Unmatched Invoices option is selected, Payables will automatically
apply a Matching Required hold to all unmatched invoices.
Supplier Information- Payment Region
Pay Group Assign a Pay Group and assign it to a supplier to pay a category of suppliers in the same
payment batch.
Payment Priority The Payment Priority is a number, between 1 (high) and 99 (low), which represents the
priority of payment. The system uses the Supplier Site value to automatically assign a Payment Priority to an
invoice’s scheduled payment(s) during invoice entry.
Payment Method The Payment Method is the form of payment used for each supplier invoice. Options include
check, electronic, wire or clearing. Wire payments are done manually to reflect external wire transfers made
between your bank and your supplier’s bank. Clearing payments are recorded for payments made within the
company. Clearing transactions are necessary to effect proper accounting of this activity.
Pay Alone If the Pay Alone option is enabled, Payables creates a separate payment for each invoice. If it
is not enabled, Payables will combine multiple invoices on a single payment.
Terms The system uses payment terms to automatically calculate due dates, discount dates, and discount
amounts for each invoice in order to schedule payments. Additional terms can be added to the list of values
through the Payment Terms window.
Terms Date Basis
The Terms Date Basis is the date you select for Payables to use as the basis for calculating the scheduled
payment. Below are the options available listed in order from the earliest date selection to the most recent date
• Goods Received • Invoice (Date) • Invoice Received • System (Date)
Pay Date Basis The Pay Date Basis determines if the system will create a payment at the end of the discount
period or by the due date.
Always Take Discount Enable the Always Take Discount check box to have Payables always pay the
discounted amount regardless of whether payment is made within the discount period or not.
Exclude Freight from Discount If you select the Exclude Freight from Discount check box, the system will
exclude freight prior to calculating discounts.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Bank Account Region
The Bank Accounts Region is used to record supplier bank account information that you use for making
electronic payments. For each supplier and supplier site that has bank account assignments, you must designate
one bank account as the primary bank account. The primary bank account is used by Payables as a default when
you pay this supplier electronically. You may override the default if necessary
Supplier Information - EDI Region
EDI Payment Method The EDI Payment Method indicates how this electronic payment will be made.
EDI Payment Format If you selected Automated Clearing House (ACH) as the EDI Payment Method, you must also
specify an EDI Payment Format. This format indicates the type of information to be transmitted with the funds.
EDI Remittance Method The EDI Remittance Method indicates which party is responsible for sending the remittance
advice to the payee.
Supplier Information - Invoice Tax region
1 Invoice Tax Code
2 Use Offset tax
3 Calculation level
4 Allow calculation level override
5 Rounding rule
6 Distribution amounts include tax
Supplier Information - Withholding Tax region
1 Allow withholding tax
2 Withholding tax group
Supplier Information - Tax reporting region
1 Federal(1099 eligible) 2 Income tax type (1099 tax types)
3 State 4 Reporting site
5 Reporting name 6 Verification date
7 Name control 8 Organization type
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Supplier Information - Purchasing Region
Ship-To Location/Bill-To Location Suppliers generally send invoices and shipments for goods and services to
Ship-To and Bill-To Locations. These locations are often not the same.
Ship Via Allows you to indicate a preferred carrier that you’d like the supplier to use when shipping to you.
FOB Free on Board (FOB) indicates the point at which ownership of the goods and services, as well
as the cost of any damage or loss, transfers from the supplier to you.
Freight Terms Indicate whether you or your supplier pay the freight charges for the goods you ordered.
Create Debit Memo from RTS Transaction If you enable the Create Debit Memo from RTS (Return to
Supplier) Transaction option, you will have the option of allowing Workflow to automatically create a debit
memo when processing a return to supplier.
Purchase Order Hold/Reason If a supplier is placed on Purchase Order Hold and if the Enforce Vendor Hold
box is checked in the Purchasing Options window, the system will allow you to create a purchase order for the
supplier, but you will not be able to approve it until you released the hold. If you use this option, use a
descriptive explanation in the Reason field to explain the reason for the hold.
Supplier Information - Receiving Region
Enforce Ship-To Location Values for the Enforce Ship-To Location include none, warning and reject.
• A value of reject will prevent entry of the receipt in the system.
• A value of warning will provide a message of the discrepancy, but will allow the receipt entry to continue.
• A value of none will simply allow the receipt to be entered and will not provide a warning message of the
Receipt Routing Receipt routing indicates which default location will be used at the point of initial receipt and
generally the number of steps it takes for the item to reach its final destination. Below are the options available.
• Direct Delivery - 1 step to the final destination
• Standard Receipt - 2 steps: 1st to receiving, then to the final destination
• Inspection Required - 3 steps: 1st to receiving, next to inspection, then to the final destination
Match Approval Level The Match Approval Level indicates what information will be compared to determine
whether an invoice can be approved or not. Options are:
• 2-Way - Purchase order and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice
can be paid. The receipt close tolerance should be set to 0% to allow the system to automatically close fully
received lines.
• 3-Way - Purchase order, receipt, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding
invoice can be paid.
• 4-Way - Purchase order, receipt, accepted, and invoice quantities must match within tolerance before the
corresponding invoice can be paid.
Quantity Received Tolerance The maximum acceptable over-receipt tolerance percentage
Quantity Received Exception The action to be taken when the quantity received tolerance is exceeded.
Days Early/Late Receipt Allowed The window within which delivery will be allowed.
Receipt Date Exception The action to be taken when delivery occurs outside of this window.
Allow Substitute Receipts If Allow Substitute Receipts is enabled, receivers can receive previously defined
substitute items in place of ordered items.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Allow Unordered Receipts Allow Unordered Receipts permits receivers to acknowledge receipt of unordered
items. If enabled, you will need to later research and match the unordered receipts to the appropriate purchase
order. If you allow Unordered receipts, you will always be able to record the fact that a physical receipt was
processed giving full visibility to the transaction.If Allow Substitute Receipts is enabled, receivers can receive
previously defined substitute items in place of ordered items.
Allow Unordered Receipts Allow Unordered Receipts permits receivers to acknowledge receipt of unordered
items. If enabled, you will need to later research and match the unordered receipts to the appropriate purchase
order. If you allow Unordered receipts, you will always be able to record the fact that a physical receipt was
processed giving full visibility to the transaction.
Supplier Level Versus Site Level Entry
Notice that information on the Classification and Receiving tabbed regions is entered only at the supplier level.
Contacts, however, are entered only at the site level. Assuming the Multiple Organization Support feature has
been enabled, the Accounting tabbed region is also entered only at the site level. There is additional information
entered on the General, EDI, Tax Reporting and Purchasing tabbed regions available at the site level versus at
the supplier level.
Entering Basic Supplier Site Information
Purchasing Responsibility >Suppliers (B) Sites You must enter a brief name for each site attached to the
supplier. This is the name that will appear in the list of values for sites on either purchasing or payables
documents. The associated address prints on the documents. Oracle applications allow you to enter supplier
addresses in country-specific formats. If no address style is associated with the country, the standard format is
used. Enable seeded address styles or set up custom address styles through the Receivables Countries and
Territories window.
Supplier Site Information - General Region
Site Uses Sites can be designated as one or more of the following use types: Pay, Purchasing, RFQ
Only, or Procurement Card.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Supplier Notification Method The Supplier Notification Method indicates how purchasing documents will be
transmitted to the supplier. Options include Printed Document, Fax, or E-mail. You can specify voice, fax or
email in the Communication area of this region. Refer to the additional implementation considerations discussed
at the end of this module regarding communication by fax or email. You can re-route communications through
an alternate method by un-checking the defaulted method, checking the alternate method desired, and providing
the fax number or email address if needed.
Communication Use the Communication region to enter voice, fax, telex and e-mail information.
Shipping Network Location The location that you enter in this field appears on the list of values for the Ship
To Location field in the Purchase Order window. Purchasing uses this information when it receives outside
processing items. In Work in Process, when you have two consecutive outside processing operations on a
routing, you can use the Ship-To Location to specify that the supplier for the first outside processing operation is
to ship the completed assemblies directly to the supplier for the next outside processing operation.
Supplier Site Information - Contacts Region Contact information is specific to a site. Contact information is
for your reference only and is not used by the system. You can enter the contact’s email address for reference
purposes in the Mail Stop field. This information is reference only and the field may not accommodate longer
email addresses.
Supplier Site Information - Accounting Region Distribution Sets are used to expedite entry of distribution
lines on invoices.• Full distribution sets will automatically create distribution lines with both accountvnumbers
and $ amounts.• Skeleton distribution sets will automatically create distribution lines with only account numbers
and you must provide the dollar amounts. GL Default Accounts provide GL account numbers that will be used
when creating accounting entries for either purchasing or payables documents unless specifically overwritten
when the documents are created.
Note: You can only enter Accounting Region information at the site level when using the Multiple Organization
Support feature.
Supplier Site Information - EDI Region
1 EDI Location 2 EDI ID number
EDI Location is used by e-Commerce Gateway for electronic transmission of information. After you set up your
supplier sites, you link them to trading partners you define in e-Commerce Gateway. The EDI ID Number field
is used only by Energy.
Supplier Site Information - Tax Reporting region
1 Tax registration number - Supplier's VAT number
Income Tax Reporting Site
1 Can only check one site as the income tax reporting
2 Determines which site's address is used on the 1099
Supplier Site information -Purchasing region
Pay on
Alternate pay site
Invoice summary level
Merging Suppliers Purchasing Responsibility (N) Supply Base > Supplier Merge
Examples Setup Supplier
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Setup Supplier Sites
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Supplier Reports
Suppliers Report Review supplier, supplier site, and supplier site contact information.
Supplier Audit Report Review supplier names that are similar, to help identify potential duplicate suppliers.
Supplier Payment History Review supplier payment history, including voided payments, for one or a group of suppliers.
Supplier Paid Invoice History Review the supplier invoice history, including discount and partial payment information,
for a supplier or a group of suppliers.
Supplier Mailing Labels Create mailing labels for supplier sites.
Purchase Order Header Updates Report Review purchase orders updated by the Supplier Merge Process.
Supplier Merge Report Review the suppliers, sites, and invoices updated by the Supplier Merge Process.
Supplier Balance Revaluation Report Identify suppliers with credit (negative) balances.
Supplier Customer Netting Report Review the net balance in Payables and Receivables for any suppliers or customers
who have the same NIF or VAT code.
New Supplier/New Supplier Sites Listing Review new suppliers and new sites created.
Vendor Affiliated Structure Listing Review supplier parent-child relationships.
Vendors on Hold View suppliers on hold and their outstanding purchase orders.
Supplier Open Balance Letter Create a supplier open balance letter. You can use this report for auditing purposes or to
periodically inform your suppliers of open balances.
Invalid PO Supplier Notice Informing a supplier that you placed an invoice on hold because the supplier did not provide a
purchase order number for matching or you could not use the purchase order number provided by the supplier. Payables
creates a notice for each supplier with invoices to which you have manually applied an Invalid PO hold.
Invoice Types
Standard An invoice from a supplier representing an amount due for goods or services purchased.
Standard invoices can be either matched to a purchase order or not matched.
Credit MemoA memo from a supplier representing a credit amount toward goods or services.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Debit MemoAn invoice you enter to record a credit for a supplier who does not send you a credit memo.
PO DefaultAn invoice type you enter for matching to a purchase order. You enter a purchase order
number, and Payables automatically copies supplier information from the purchase order. The
invoice type changes to Standard after the match.
QuickMatchAn invoice type you enter for matching to a purchase order. You enter a purchase order
number, and Payables automatically copies supplier information and matches to every open
shipment on the purchase order. The invoice type changes to Standard after the match.
MixedAn invoice type you enter for matching to both purchase orders and invoices. You can enter
either a positive or a negative amount for a Mixed invoice type.
PrepaymentA type of invoice you enter to pay an advance payment for expenses to a supplier or employee.
Expense ReportAn invoice representing an amount due to an employee for business-related expenses.
Withholding TaxAn invoice you enter to remit taxes withheld to the appropriate tax authority.
InterestIf you allow interest invoices, payables will automatically calculate interest for overdue
invoices and create interest invoices for selected suppliers.
Assigning a Default GL Date
Payables determines the accounting period in which an invoice or payment will be included by comparing the
invoice or payment GL date to the ranges of dates you have defined for your accounting periods in your
accounting calendar. The GL date is based on the GL Date Basis Payables option. Payables automatically
defaults this GL date to new invoice distributions added to the invoice. If you specify a GL date with on the
invoice batch, that GL date will default to invoices you enter into the batch. You can change the GL date for
individual invoice distributions in the distributions window. The GL date is stored at the invoice header so if you
were to add additional invoice distributions the next day, for example, the GL dates on the distributions would
be the same. The GL Date Basis Payables option determines what date is used as the GL date. The GL date for
each invoice will default based on one of the following options:
• Invoice date
• System date
• Receipt/Invoice
• Receipt/System
Payables uses the payment date as the GL date for your payments.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Entering Invoices
Batch Control Form
Invoice Structure
Invoice Header Invoice information including invoice type, supplier name, supplier site, invoice number,
invoice date, and invoice amount.
Scheduled Payments Invoice payment details including scheduled payment date, amount and priority.
Scheduled payments are created based on payment terms when the invoice header is saved. An invoice
header can have one or more scheduled payments. Scheduled payments are not directly related\ to specific
invoice distributions.
Distributions Invoice accounting details, including the GL date, charge accounts and project information.
An invoice header can have one or more invoice distributions. Invoice distributions are not directly related to a
specific scheduled payment.
Note: Scheduled payments are not directly related to specific invoice distributions and invoice distributions are
not directly related to specific schedule payments.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Invoice Header
Payables Resp(N) Invoices > Entry > Payment Batches (B) Invoices or (N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
Invoice Type Determines characteristics of the invoice. Examples are Standard, PO Default, Credit Memo,
Debit Memo, etc.
Supplier/Supplier Number Enter the supplier name or supplier number.
Supplier Site Enter the Supplier Site to which you will send payment of the invoice. Payables will print the
address for this site on the payment.
Invoice Date Enter the Invoice Date. The format of this field is controlled by the ICX: Date Format Mask
profile option.Payables may use the invoice date you enter as the Terms Date and GL Date default for an
invoice, depending on how your Payables Options and Defaults are set up. If your GL Date Basis Payable
Option is set to Invoice (Date), you must enter an invoice date that is in an open or future period. If you enter a
date in a future period, Payables displays a warning message. When you submit Payables Approval, Payables
applies a Future Period hold to the invoice. This hold prevents payment and creation of accounting entries for
the invoice.
Invoice Number Enter the Invoice Number from the invoice your supplier sent you or accept the Payables
default (today’s date) by tabbing through the field. Payables will not allow you to enter duplicate invoice
numbers for the same supplier.
Amount Enter the full invoice amount including tax, freight and miscellaneous expenses.
Description Optionally enter the Description of your invoice. This will appear on remittance advice for the
payment and may appear in your general ledger.
Payment Terms Payables uses payment terms to automatically calculate due dates, discount dates, and discount
amounts for each invoice you enter. Payment terms will default from the supplier site. If you need to change the
payment terms and the terms you want to use are not on the list of values, you can define additional terms in the
Payment Terms window.
Payment Method The invoice payment method you use most frequently. This will default from the supplier
site.If you have to frequently override the payment method, consider changing the default at the
supplier site level.
• Check - You can pay with a manual payment, a Quick payment, or in a payment batch.
• Clearing - Used for recording invoice payments to internal suppliers.
• Electronic - You generate an electronic payment file that you deliver to your bank to create payments. Use
Electronic if the invoice will be paid using EFT or EDI.
• Wire - Used to manually record a wire transfer of funds between your bank and your supplier’s bank.
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Scheduled Payments
Each invoice may have one or more scheduled payments that are created based on the payment terms when the
invoice header is saved. Use the Scheduled Payments window to review or adjust dates and amounts of all
payments, including discount schedules, for an invoice. You can also schedule and create partial payments and
place one or more scheduled payments on hold.
Hold Enable this check box if you want to apply a payment hold on the scheduled payment line. If a scheduled
payment is on hold, Payables will not create a payment for that scheduled payment until you disable the check
Due DateDuring invoice entry, Payables automatically schedules payment for each invoice based on the
Payment Terms and Terms Date you enter for the invoice. Payables uses the payment terms definition to
calculate the due date, discount date, and the discount amount for each scheduled payment. For example, if an
invoice has payment terms of Net 30, Payables calculates the due date as 30 days after the Terms Date. You can
assign default payment terms to a supplier.
Gross Amount Gross amount due for the scheduled payment, displayed in the invoice currency. Payables
subtracts the discount amount, automatic withholding amount, and prepayment amount from the gross amount to
calculate the payment amount.
Priority A number, between 1 (high) and 99 (low), that represents the priority of payment. The value for this
field defaults from the supplier site. You can enter a payment priority range as a criteria for selecting invoices
for a payment batch.
Invoice Distribution Types
Each invoice distribution will have one and only one distribution type.
Item Records the amount a supplier charges for goods or services purchased.
Tax Records the sales or other tax amount due on goods or services purchased.
Freight Records the amount a supplier charges for shipping and handling.
Miscellaneous Records the amount for miscellaneous expenses on an invoice.
Withholding Records the amount of taxes withheld from an invoice.
Prepayment Records the amount of a prepayment applied to an invoice.
Invoice Distributions
Enter distributions for an invoice to associate the total invoice amount with various expense or
asset accounts. Each invoice will have one or more distributions. Invoice distributions are
entered on an invoice in a variety of different ways. During Payables Approval, the invoice
amount is compared to the total distribution amount. If they are not equal, the invoice will be
placed on a distribution variance hold.
Type Select a distribution Type. If you are using periodic costing and need to include the cost of tax,
freight and miscellaneous charges with a receipt, you must use the Allocation window to
allocate those distributions to a distribution line created by the matching process.
Amount The amount of the distribution.
Tax Code Tax code or tax group associated with the distribution. Payables provides a default value based
on the Tax Code Defaults hierarchy defined in the Payables Options window.
GL Date The distribution GL Date defaults from the invoice GL Date. You can override the default and
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
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change the distribution GL Date to any date in an open or future period. Payables uses the GL Date to derive the
accounting period that the charge will impact.If you change the GL Date in the Invoices window, Payables does
not change the GL Date for existing invoice distributions. If you want to update the GL Date for an invoice, use
the Distributions window to change the GL Date for each invoice distribution.
Account Account to charge when you create an accounting entry for this distribution. Usually an expense, asset
or accrual account. If you match to a purchase order or enter project related information, this account will be
built automatically. If you match to a purchase order with a destination type of Expense on the distribution, the
matching process will copy that account onto the distribution line of the invoice. If you match to a purchase
order shipment with a destination type of Inventory on the distribution, this account will be the accrual account
built when the purchase order was entered.
Track as Asset If you enter an asset type charge account, Payables automatically enables the Track as Asset
check box and you cannot change it. If you enter an expense account and want to transfer this distribution to
Assets, enable the Track as Asset check box. It is important to note that just because the Track as Asset box
becomes checked, does not mean the distribution line will be sent to fixed assets.
Description Description of the distribution. This description does not appear on the payment document
remittance. For manually entered item distributions, the default value is the invoice description. For tax
distributions, the default value is the tax code. For distributions created by Distribution Sets, the default is the
Description of the Distribution Set line. For distributions created by purchase order matching, the default value
is the description of the purchase order line.
Status Approval status of the distribution.
Accounted Payables displays Yes or No to indicate if accounting entries have been created for the
Project/Task/Expenditure If you have Projects installed, associate an invoice with a project to charge the
expenditures on an invoice to a specific project, task, or organization. The system uses the project information
you enter to create an account combination on the invoice distribution. If you enter project information, you
must enter a value for Task unless you have matched to a purchase order with project information with a null
task ID. A purchase order can have a null task ID only if its destination is Inventory or Shop Floor. If the
destination is Inventory or Shop Floor, the project information is used by Project Manufacturing.
If you are using projects, you must modify Payables and Purchasing account generator workflows. If you do not
modify the workflows, you will not be able to save a purchase order or invoice that has a project related
distribution. The workflow builds the charge account combination based on the project information specified on
the invoice distribution line.
Distribution Entry Methods
Invoice distributions can be created on an invoice in a variety of different ways. Only one of them is manual
Manual Entry Manually add the distributions to the invoice.
Distribution Set A distribution set is like a template with invoice distributions that you set up one time. After
the distribution set is created, you can use it to copy invoice distributions on to your invoice.
Matching Matching to purchase orders and standard invoices creates invoice distributions.
Invoice Approval If you are using automatic withholding tax or automatic tax calculation, the Payables
Approval process can add invoice distributions.
Allocation Use the Allocation window to create tax, freight and miscellaneous distributions. Individual
tax and freight distributions can be added by specifying the distribution amounts in the invoice header.
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Demo examples
Create a New Pay Group
Define a Supplier
Define a Pay Site
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Define a Purchasing Site
Create an Invoice Batch Header
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Enter Invoice
Distribute an Invoice to Two Departments
Enter an Invoice for a Fixed Asset
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Create a Scheduled Payment
Entering Freight Distributions for an Invoice
Automatically create a single freight distribution
If you select the Create Freight Distribution check box in the Invoices window, Payables
automatically creates a single freight distribution using the freight amount and freight account
that you enter for an invoiceTo set up Payables to default a freight account and automatically enable the Create
FreightDistribution check box in the Invoices window during invoice entry, set the following Payables
options:• Enable the Automatically Create Freight Distribution option
• Enter a default freight account. Payables uses this account as the default freight account for an invoice. You
can override this account during invoice entry.If you usually allocate freight to invoice distributions or enter
freight distributions manually,do not enable this option.
Allocate Freight You can use the Charge Allocations window to automatically create tax, freight, or
miscellaneous distributions. In the Charge Allocations window, you specify the following:
• The charge amount and type (freight, tax, or miscellaneous).
• The distributions to which the charge will be allocated.
• The charge amount associated with each distribution. Either you can specify an exact amount to allocate to
each distribution, or you can prorate the charge amount across all selected distributions by selecting the Prorate
check box.
Manually enter freight Open the invoice distribution window, choose a distribution type of Freight and specify
the amount and charge account.
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Allocating Freight, Tax and Miscellaneous Lines
You can use the Charge Allocations window to:• Create and allocate tax, freight, or miscellaneous charge
distributions.• Allocate an existing tax, freight, or miscellaneous charge distribution to one or more
distributions to record costs for Periodic Costing.• Review and update existing allocations for a charge.The
allocation mode that the Charge Allocations window uses depends on where your cursor is in the Distributions
window when you choose the Allocate button. For example, if the cursor is in an Item, Prepayment, or blank
distribution in the Distributions window, and you choose the Allocate button, then the Charge Allocations
window opens and is empty, and you can use the Charge Allocations window to create distributions based on the
information you enter. If the cursor is on an existing tax, freight, or miscellaneous distribution, then the window
opens and shows you any distributions that the tax, freight, or miscellaneous charge distribution is allocated to,
and any distributions available for allocation.
You can:• Allocate Tax to Freight, Miscellaneous, Item and Prepayment lines.• Allocate Freight and
Miscellaneous lines only to Item lines (you cannot, for example,allocate Freight charges to Tax lines).
You cannot:
• Allocate any line to itself.• Allocate an Item line to any other line type.• Partially allocate a charge. The
amount must be fully allocated before you can save the allocation.
Allocation Restrictions
Cancelled invoices You cannot modify allocations if the invoice is cancelled.
Paid invoices If the invoice is partially or fully paid and the Allow Adjustments to paid Invoices Payables
option is not enabled, you cannot create new charges in the Allocations window.
Applied prepayments If a prepayment invoice has been partially or fully applied, you cannot create new
charges in the Allocations window.
Items matched to multiple PO distributions Multiple item distributions, each matched to a different PO
distribution, cannot receive allocations from a single non-recoverable tax distribution.
Accounted allocations You cannot adjust an allocation after you have accounted for the charge.
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Type of Accounting Flows
Asset account
Expense account
Accrual Account
Invoice Gateway
Invoice gateway is designed for rapid,high volume data entry of standard & credit memo invoices that do not
require extensive online validation & defaulting of values during entry.After entering the invoice records,you
import them during payables open interface import,payables validates the invoice information & creates regular
invoices in payables that you can the approve,account for & pay.
Invoice records are grouped by same gateway batch name for each invoice.When you enter a value for gateway
batch in the invoice gatewau identification window,the system assigns that gateway batch name to each invoice.
1 Source field identifies where the invoices originated.Enter either invoice gateway or a vlaue defined in oracle
payables lookup(same source name shoule not be used for any other method for data entry)
2 Enter a unique value in gateway batch field to group the invoices in the batch & later query the invoice records
based on gateway batch name.
3 Enter Invoice header information (supplier,site,invoice amount), Enter invoice line information as
above(type,amount),at least one line per invoice You can create distributions by manually entering a value for
the account or you can create them automatically by using distribution sets,proration of charges,purchase order
matching,or receipt matching.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
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Payables Open Interface Import Program to create invoices data in payables from payable open
interface tables.1 Validates the invoice data,2 Provides some defaults during import 3 Rejects invoices that have
insufficient/invalid data 4 Creates invoices in payables that can be queries,approved,accounted & modified in
invoice workbench.
Apply & Release Holds on AP invoices
Holds and Releases Holds can be placed by the system and some holds can be placed manually. Holds
prevent payment and, sometimes, accounting of an invoice. Payables applies holds to invoices that fail the
Payables Approval process. Release holds from invoices to allow payment and accounting entry creation for the
invoices. If you manually release all holds from an invoice it is not necessary for you to resubmit Payables
Approval before you can pay or create accounting entries for it. Payables Approval will not place an invoice on
the same type of hold that you manually released. You must manually release all holds that you apply manually.
System Holds All holds other than user-defined holds are system holds. An example of a system hold is the
distribution variance hold. This hold is placed by the system when you attempt to approve an invoice and the
total of the invoice distributions do not equal the invoice amount. In order to remove this system hold, you must
fix the problem that caused the hold to be placed. Some system holds (matching holds for example) can be
manually released. During Payables Approval, Payables automatically releases system holds (anything other
than the user defined holds you define) from invoices with corrected exception conditions. For example, you fix
a distribution variance on an invoice, resubmit Payables Approval and Payables automatically releases the
Distribution Variance hold. Payables applies some holds that you cannot release. You can use the Invoice Holds
window to view invoices with these holds, but you cannot manually release these holds. You must correct the
exception that caused Payables Approval to place the hold on the invoice, then resubmit Payables Approval to
release the holds. You can correct exceptions by updating the invoice or the purchase order or by
changing your Invoice Tolerances.
Manual Holds You can prevent payment and, optionally, prevent accounting for an invoice by manually
applying one or more holds to it. Payables provides some generic invoice holds for you but you can define your
own holds based on your invoice approval needs. Payables does not automatically release holds that you apply
to invoices manually. You’ll need to manually release it.
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Apply Holds to Supplier Sites
Payables Responsibility
(N) Suppliers > Entry In the Supplier Sites window, you can enable the Hold All Payments, Hold Unapproved
Invoices, or Hold Unmatched Invoices options. You also have the option of specifying an invoice amount limit
for a supplier site. The control is at the site level. Changing these options at the supplier level will only change
defaults for new supplier sites that are added after the changes are made. Payables provides a warning message
during invoice entry when a supplier site hold is in effect.
Hold All Payments This is the most restrictive supplier site hold. By checking Hold All Payments in the
Control region of the Supplier Site window, you prevent the supplier site from being selected for payment
during a payment batch or for a Quick payment. You cannot pay invoices for the supplier site until you uncheck
the Hold All Payments option at the supplier site.
Hold Unapproved Invoices By checking this option for a site, Payables automatically applies a Supplier hold to
all new invoices entered for that site. Payables applies this hold during Payables Approval. You will still be able
to pay invoices that have previously been entered and approved for the supplier site. You can manually release
the hold in the Invoice Holds window. Uncheck this option when you no longer want to hold unapproved
invoices for a supplier site.
Hold Unmatched Invoices By checking this for a site, if you do not match an invoice to a purchase order or
purchase order receipt (and instead enter distributions manually or with a distribution set), Payables places a
Matching Required hold on the invoice during Payables Approval. You cannot pay the invoice until you release
the hold. You can release this hold by matching the invoice to a purchase order or purchase order receipt or you
can manually release the hold in the Invoice Holds window.
Invoice Amount Limit If you enter an invoice for a supplier site that exceeds the invoice amount limit you
specify, payables applies an Amount hold to the invoice during Payables Approval. You cannot pay the invoice
until you release the hold. You can release the hold by adjusting the invoice amount or you can manually release
the hold in the Invoice Holds window.
Note: If the Hold All Payments option is enabled at the supplier site, the Hold field in the
Invoices window does not reflect this because the hold is a supplier hold, not an invoice hold.
Apply Holds to Invoices (N) Setup > Invoice > Approvals
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Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Apply Holds to Scheduled Payments
Apply Holds to Scheduled PaymentsYou can hold payment of part of an invoice by placing one or more
of the scheduled payments on hold in the Scheduled Payments window. For example, to pay 90% of an invoice
now and 10% of an invoice at a future date, enter the invoice and create a split payment schedule; one
representing 90% of the invoice amount and the other representing 10% of the invoice amount.
Use a Scheduled Payment hold for the payment schedule representing the 10%.
Release Supplier Site Holds
Release the Hold All Payments option by unchecking the Hold All Payments option at the
supplier site in the Suppliers window. Holds resulting from the following supplier options must
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
be released from the invoices in the Invoice Holds window:
• Hold Unapproved Invoices option (Supplier site hold)
• Hold Unmatched Invoices option (Matching Required hold)
• Invoice Amount Limit (Amount hold)
Release Invoice Holds
Release holds from invoices to pay and create accounting for them. You can view the holds on an invoice in
either the Invoice Overview or the Holds windows. You can see the number of holds on an invoice in the
Invoices window. Identify invoices on hold with the Invoice on Hold Report and the Matching Hold Detail
• To release holds from multiple invoices, select Release Holds in the Invoice Actions window and select the
Hold Name of the one hold type you want to release. Select a Release Name. You can select from all invoice
approvals defined with the type Hold Quick Release Reason.
• You manually release all manually applied invoice holds, and you can also manually release certain systemapplied
invoice holds.• After you release all holds from an invoice, it may not be necessary to resubmit Payables
Approval before you can pay or create accounting entries for it.Payables applies some holds that you cannot
release.• You can use the Invoice Holds window to view these holds, but you cannot manually
release them.• You must correct the exception that caused Payables Approval to place the hold on the
invoice and then resubmit Payables Approval to release these holds.• You can correct exceptions by updating the
invoice or the purchase order or by changing your invoice tolerances.
Release Scheduled Payment Holds
You can release a Scheduled Payment hold in the Scheduled Payments window in the Invoice
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Approving Invoices
Before you can pay or account for an invoice (including prepayments), you must submit Payables Approval for
the invoice in one of three ways:
• System - submit the Payables Approval program from the Submit Request window.
• Batch - use the Approve button in the Invoice Batches window.
• Online - use the Approve button in Invoice Actions window.
Payables Approval validates the matching, tax, period status, exchange rate, and distribution information for
invoices you enter and automatically applies holds to exception invoices. If an invoice has a hold, you can
release the hold by correcting the exception that caused Payables Approval to apply the hold and then
resubmitting Payables Approval. Correct exceptions by updating the invoice or the purchase order, or change
your Invoice Tolerances. Payables automatically releases the hold when the exception is no longer an issue. You
can manually release certain invoice holds even if you have not resolved the matching error condition. You
can do this in the Invoice Holds window. You can identify all invoices that Payables has not yet reviewed with
Payables Approval by submitting the Invoice Register for unapproved invoices only. You can check the
Approval status of an invoice online in the Invoice Overview window or the Invoices window.
Levels of Invoice Approval
System level approval Manually submit the Payables Approval process or schedule it to run periodically from
the Submit Request window. Submit Payables Approval right before you process payments to update the status
on all invoices. Payables will use the Option parameter to select unapproved invoices for approval. Enter All to
ensure you release any existing holds on invoices as well as place new holds. Otherwise, Payables Approval
reviews only those invoice distributions that were not already reviewed by Payables Approval. Optionally, enter
other criteria to submit Payables Approval for specific groups of invoices.
Batch level approval Submit Payables Approval for one or more invoice batches from the Invoice Batches
window.Invoice level (online) approval If the Payables option to allow online approval is enabled, you can
submit online approval for one or more individual invoices when an invoice must be approved and paid
immediately. You can also approve related invoices for credit and debit memos by choosing Approve Related
Invoices in the Actions window after you enter a credit or debit memo.
Processing Debit & Credit Memos
Enter a credit or debit memo to record a credit for goods or services purchased.Credit/Debit memos are netted
with basic invoices at payment time.
Creadit Memo : Negative amount invoice created by a supplier & sent to you to nitify a credit
Debit Memo : Negative amount invoice created by you & sent to supplier to notify the supplier of a credit you
are recording.Usually sent with a note explaining the debit memo.
Note : In AP ,a debit memo & a credit memo both create the same accounting entries the system does not
distinguish as different transactions.
You can enter credit memos using the invoice workbench,invoice gateway & the open interface.
You can enter debit memos using the invoice workbench
1. Navigate to the Invoices window.
(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
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2. In the Type field, enter Credit Memo. There will be a note displayed that says “Payables defaults the payment
terms from the supplier site to the invoice. Verify the payment terms for credit or debit memos. You may want
to change the payment terms to Immediate for credit and debit memos”.
3. Click OK to acknowledge the message.
4. Enter Advanced Network Devices as the supplier.
5. Enter Santa Clara as the site.
6. As the credit memo is dated today, accept the default date.
7. Enter the credit memo number.
8. Enter -1,000 in the Invoice Amount field. Make sure to enter the amount as a negative value.
9. In the Distribution Set field, enter the Equipment Expense (Full) distribution set.
10. In the Description field, enter the description for this credit memo.
11. In the Terms field, make sure the terms are Immediate; if they are not, select Immediate.
12. Choose Distributions.
13. Verify the distributions were created.
Clearing a Credit
If you receieve a refund from supplier,you can enter the refund to clear a debit/Credit memo you have entered but have
been unable to include in a payment
1. Navigate to the Invoices window.
(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
2. In the Type field, enter Credit Memo. Payables opens a window with the following note “Payables defaults the payment
terms from the supplier site to the Invoice. Verify the payment terms for credit or debit memos. You may want to
change the payment terms to Immediate for credit and debit memos”.
3. Click OK to acknowledge the message.
4. Enter Advanced Network Devices as the supplier.
5. Enter Santa Clara as the site.
6. As the credit memo is dated today, accept the default date.
7. Enter the credit memo number.Write down the number ______________.
8. Enter -2,000 in the Invoice Amount field. Make sure to enter the amount as a negative value.
9. In the Description field, enter Advertising Items.
10. In the Terms field, make sure the terms are Immediate; if they are not, select Immediate.
11. In the Invoices window, choose Invoice from the poplist for the Match button. Select the Match button.
12. To match this credit memo to the original invoice, enter the invoice number given to you by the instructor->Find button.
13. In the Match to Invoices window, select the Match check box.
14. In the Credit Amount field, enter -2,000. -> 15. Select Match.
16. When the matching process is completed, select the Distributions button and verify that the distributions were created.
Recording a Price Correction
Use a price correction to record and update the invoiced unit price of previously matched purchase orders or receipts
without adjusting the quantity billed in order to track price variances.Payables also updates amount billed on the originally
matched purchase order distributions
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Matching to PO and Receipts > Recording Price Corrections on InvoiceWorkbench
Record a price decrease by entering a debit or credit memo invoice.Then whem matching to a purchase order or receipt
,select the price correction check box in the find purchase orders for matching window or find receipts in matching window
Record a price increase by entering a standard or PO default invoice type.Then when matching to a purchase order or
receipt,select the price correction checkbox
(n) Invoices -> Entry -> Invoices(B) Match Purchase Order(B) Find
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Processing Pre-Payments
Prepayment is a type of invoice you enter to pay an advance for expense to a supplier or employee eg deposit on
lease,advance to an employee for travel expense.You can later apply the prepayment to one or more invoices or
expense reports you recieve from supplier/employee to offset the amount paid to them.
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > PrepaymentsYou can either a temporary or a permanent type
payment.Temporary payments can be applied to invoices or expense temporary prepayment to pay a
deposit to catering company.Permanent prepayments cannot be applied to permanent prepayment for
lease deposit is not expected to be invoiced.When you enter an invoice in the invoice workbench for a supplier
for whom you have outstanding temporary prepayments.Oracle payables notifies you.If you have prepayments
available you can optionally apply.You can also review the prepayment status report to check the status of all
prepayments in you payables system.If necessary you can change type from permanent to temporary ,or
temporary to permanent.
Entering Prepayments Prepayments are entered as any other invoice.However you additionally specify:
Prepayment as the invoice type. Temporary or permanent as the prepayment type. The settlement, which is the
date after which the prepayment can be applied to an invoice. You can also apply a hold to a prepayment if you
want to control payment of it.Note: You can enter a prepayment type invoice only in the invoice workbench.You
cannot enter a prepayment type invoice in invoice gateway.
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Entering Prepayments
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Applying and Releasing Holds on Prepayments
Approving & Paying Prepayments Approve & pay a prepayment just as you would any other invoice.
However you must fully pay a prepayment. You can apply a temporary prepayment to an invoice after it has
been paid and after the settlement date of the prepayment.
Using Automatic Withholding tax on pre-payments : The timing of the prepayment application to an invoice is
important when using the automatic withholding tax feature.If te withholding tax payables option is set to apply
withholding tax at invoice approval time and you apply the prepayment before approving the invoice,the
withholding tax is calculated net of prepayments.If you first approve an invoice and then apply the prepayment,
you need to manuall adjust the withholding tax amount and the withholding invoice if the apayables option is set
to create withholding invoice at invoice approval time or at payment teime.
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Withholding Tax When Applying Prepayments
Mathing a Prepayment to a Purchase order When you match a prepayment to a purchase order,the
prepayment distributions use the default prepayments account,which you can override,payables does not
calculate invoice pricevariance and exchange rate variance at this point.Later when the matched prepayment is
applied to an invoice, payables reverses the matched quantity on the prepayment to reflect the balance of the
total quantity matched.
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Matching Prepayments to Purchase Orders
Controlling when a Prepayment is available to apply to invoices enter a settlement date in future.Apply a
hol;d on a prepayment to prevent prepayment.Choose to hold the scheduled payment for the prepayment in the
scheduled payments window.
1. Navigate to the Invoices window.
(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
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2. Select Prepayment in the Type field.
3. Enter Advanced Network Devices in the Supplier field. The Santa Clara
site should default in the Site field.
4. Enter today’s date in the Invoice Date field.
5. Enter the invoice number given to you by the instructor in the Invoice Num field.
6. Enter 11,000.00 in the Invoice Amount field.
7. Enter the invoice description information in the Description field.
8. The terms date should default to the invoice date (based on the terms date basis setup).
9. Enter Immediate in the Terms field.
10. Select Temporary in the Prepayment Type field.
11. The settlement date should default to today’s date.
12. Select the Distributions button.
13. Accept Item as the line type.
14. Enter 11,000.00 for the line amount.
the default prepayment account.
16. Save your work.
17. Close the Distributions window.
18. Select the Actions button.
19. Select the Approve check box.
20. Select the OK button.
21. You should see a message that says “No holds placed or released”.
22. Click OK to acknowledge the message. You have now entered and approved a Prepayment type invoice.
Applying Prepayments to Invoices : You can apply the available amount of item type distributions from a
temporary type prepayment to one or more invoices to ofset the amount you pay on the invoices.You can apply
prepayments either in the invoice workbench or invoice gateway.You can apply prepayments to invoices,and
invoices to prepayments. Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Applying Prepayments to Invoices
Applying Prepayments in the invoice workbench : For invoices you enter in the invoice workbench,you can
apply a prepayment either after you approve an invoice,or while you are entering it.When you apply a
prepayment to an invoive,you can see all available prepayment item distributions for the same supplier in the
apply/unapply prepayments window.You can partially apply a prepayment distribution by applying only a
portion of its available amount. Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Applying Prepayments to Invoices
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Adjusting Tax When Applying Prepayments
Applying Prepayments in the invice gateway : For invoice gateway invoices,you specify the prepayment
information when you enter the invoice record.During import payables applies the prepayment.You can also
appply prepayments to invoices in the invoice invoice workbench after you import them.
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Applying Prepayments to Invoices
Applying Prepaymentes to expense reports : In the expense report window you can apply prepayments,also
known as advances,to expense reports during expense report entry.The prepayments can also be applied to
expense reports in the invoice workbench.
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Applying Prepayments to Expense Reports
Using the Prepayment status report : Use the prepayment status report to review details for unapplied
prepayments and unpaid or partially paid invoices for a supplier.(Optionl) Choose to include invoices in the
report parameters to compare unapplied prepayments to outstanding invoices for a supplier.Choose the view
only prepayment option in the report parameters to submit the report to obtain a listing and a balance for all
outstanding payments.Submit the report for a supplier type,a single supplier,or a date range,to view specific
supplier or date range,to view specific supplier or date range information regarding prepayments.
Unapplying Prepayments : If you maistakenly apply a prepayment to an invoice you can unapply it in the
invoice workbench.It is then available to apply to another invoice.When you unapply a prepayment,you must
unapply the full prepaid amount.Payables increases the amount available for the prepayment by the unapplied
amount.Payables creates apositive amount prepayment distribution on the invoice,with the same attributes as the
existing prepayment didtribution it is reversing.Payables then updates the status of the invoice to unpaid or
partially paid.
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Unapplying Prepayments
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Recording a refund to a prepayment or Advance : You can record a refund from a supplier that pays back an
unused prepayment or part of a prepayment.You can also record a refund from an employee for an advance.
Note : It is recommended that to record a refund,you enter a standard invoice and apply the prepayment to
it.Then enter a debit memo and pay it with a refund payment in the payment window.
Oracle Payables > Invoices >Prepayments > Recording a Refund of a Prepayment or Advance
Cancelling Prepayments : You can cancel a prepayment as you would any other invoice in the actions
window.If a prepayment has been paid,the payment document that paid the repayment must be voided before the
prepayment can be cancelled.You can not void a prepayment document that paid a prepayment unless the
prepayment is fully unapplied.Revies cancellation information in the invoices overview window.
Oracle Payables > Invoices > Prepayments > Canceling Prepayments
Accounting in Oracle Payables
Accounting Features :You can establish accounting controls in the setup options.You create accounting entries
through the payables accounting process.You can view accounting at the subledger level.You can transfer
accounting entries to the general ledger
Oracle Payables > Accounting > Feature Setup and Accounting
Oracle Payables > Accounting > System Setup and Accounting
Accounting Events :
An accounting event is a payables transaction that affects accounting such as a payment.The type of event
controls the accounting that is created for a transaction and how that accounting appears in the subledger.
Oracle Payables > Accounting > Accounting Events
Document classes : There are two document classes that describe accounting events in payables 1 Invoices 2
Invoice event occurs when you account for a new approved invoice.This event creates one charge accounting
entry for each invoice distribution & a single accounting entry to the liability account of the invoice.Accounting
events for invoice document class are
1 Invoice event 2 Invoice adjustment event 3 Invoice cancellation event
4 Prepayment application event 5 Prepayment unapplication event
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Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Invoice Adjestment event : an invoice adjustment event occurs for adjustment made to accounted invoices.
Invoice Cancellation Event : An invoice cancellation event occurs when you cancel an accounted invoice.
Prepayment unapplication Event : A prepayment unapplication event occurs when you unapply a
prepayment.This event reverses any accounting entries that ere recorded for the prepayment application.
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payment event occurs when you issue and account for a new payment.This event creates accounting entries that
relieve the liability of the invoice and that charge either the cash clearing or cash account.Accounting events for
the payment document class are.
1 Payment event 2 Payment maturity event 3 Payment adjustment event
4 Payment cancellation event 5 Payment clearing event 6 Payment unclearing event
Payment Maturity Event : A payment maturity event occurs only for future date payments and if the system
setup accounts for payments at issue time.Te payment maturity event happens when future dated payments reach
their maturity & become negotiable documents.
Payment Adjustment event occurs when any invoices recorded as paid by a manual payment are changed.
Payment cancellation event reverses accounting entries for a payment when you cancel(viod) a payment.
Payment clearing event occurs when you either clear or reconcile a payment in oracle cash management and
the system is set up to account for payments when they clear.
Creating Accounting Entries :
You can create entries by submitting the payables accounting process OR through transaction windows.
Payables Accounting Process : Creates accounting entries in all set of books.Creates the audit report&
exception report.
Prerequisits for creating accounting entries : Define payables options for accounting information ,Open the
period in payables.Enter exchange rates if you are processing foreign currency transactions.Update the status of
any matured future dates payment to negotiable.Account for invoices before you approve them.Account for
invoices before you accunt for payments.
Viewing Accounting entries
You can use the view accounting entries window to view accounting entries.Depending on how you open the
window,the window title & the data you see in the window will vary.Payables includes the following windows
that can be used for viewing accounting entries
1 View accounting lines 2 View Invoice accounting
3 View payment accounting
Correcting Accounting entries : You can use the update accounting entries window to view accounting entries
and correct any invalid accounts.the only updateable fields in this window are account & description.
Eg Enter invoice 7 create accounting entries for invoice of $75000 submitted by supplier advanced networks.
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1. Navigate to the Invoices window. (N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
2. In the Type field, accept the default Standard from the list of values.3. Enter Advanced Network Devices as
the supplier.4. You will be assigned a system-generated Supplier Number.5. Enter Santa Clara as the supplier
site.6. Enter the invoice number assigned by the instructor.7. Accept the default current date as the Invoice Date.
8. Enter the total due of the invoice in the Amount field.9. Accept the defaults for the remaining fields.
10. Save and approve your invoice.11. Select the Actions button and select the Create Accounting checkbox.
(You must account for the invoice before you can account for the payment.)12. To view the accounting lines for
this invoice, query your invoice or choose View Accounting from the Tools menu. The View Invoice accounting
window appears.
Overview of Transferring accounting to GL
Reviewing accounting Entries
You can review the accounting entries that are in payables.In GL ,you can drill down to the related accounting
entries or transacions in payables.You can review the payables transfer to GL report.
Posting in Oracle GL : After you submit journal import,you can post journal entries in Oracle GL.
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Implementing Supplier Invoices
Define Invoice Tolerances : Use the invoice tolerance window to define the purchase order/receipt-matching
tolerances & tax tolerances you want to enforce.Tolerances are variances between invoice,purchase order,receipt
& tax information. Tolerances determine the margin of error oracle payables accepts before placing matching or
tax holds on an invoice, when you submit approval for an invoice you have matched to a purchase order or
receipt.Oracle payable checks that the invoice matches the purchase order or receipt within the matching
tolerances you define. If the invoice exceeds the defined tolerance. Oracle payable applies a hold on the invoice
during the approval process. The invoice tolerances window shows which hold are applied.
How to set Tolerance levels forMatching 1 In the invoice tolerance window, enable the check box for each
tolerance you want to enforce.2 Enter tolerance levels for your purchase order matching transactions 3 In the
maximum quantity ordered field, enter either the percent tolerance or the allowed quantity difference.4 In the
maximum quantity received field, enter either the percent tolerance or the allowed quantity difference.
5 In the price field, enter allowed percent tolerance.
6 In the exchange rate amount field, enter the amount of variance you allow. Enter a value in this field only if
you enter foreign currency invoices in payable.7 In the shipment amount field, enter the maximum allowable
variance between an invoiced amount & the amount of the purchase-order shipment.8 In the total amount field,
enter the total amount of variance you allow for both the exchange rate amount variance and the shipment
amount combined.
Oracle Payables > Setup > Invoice Tolerances
Setting Tolerance Levels for invoice Taxes
1 Enter the tax tolerance percentage you allow in the tax % field .Oracle payables validates amount of tax
distributions against the sum of the distributions the tax is allocated to.The calculated amoutnt must match the
tax rate plus or minus the tax rate percenage variance you enter here.
2 In the tax amount range field ,enter the amount of variance you allow between the actual invoice tax amount
and the invoice calculated tax amount. Oracle Payables > Setup > Invoice Tolerances
Settingup invoice payables options
Use batch controls Confirm date as invoice number Allow online approval
Allow adjustments to paid invoices Recalculate scheduled payment Allow document category override
Automatically create freight distribution Freight account GL date basis
Prepayment settlement days Prepayment payment terms
Oracle Payables > Setup > Payables Options > Payables Options Window Reference > Invoice Payables Options
Creating Automatic Interest invoices Payables allows you to calculate interest for overdue invoices and create
interest invoices for selected suppliers. To do this you must enable automatic interest calculation for a supplier
and pay an overdue invoice for the supplier in a payment batch or with a quick payment.
Oracle Payables > Setup > Automatic Interest
Setting up Interest payables options Use the interest tabbed region to enable automatic interest calculation and
then enter defaults,such as expense and liability accounts.The following are the interest options
Allow interest invoices Minimum interest amount
Expense interest invoice amount Liability interest invoice amount
Oracle Payables > Setup > Payables Options > Interest Payables Options
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Invoice Tax options You can set invoice tax options and default values used throughout payables.The following
invoice tax options and defaults area subset of the tax options.
Oracle Payables > Appendix > Invoice and Invoice Batch Default Hierarchy Chart
Setting up Invoice Tax Options You can control the following invoice tax options at the system level in
payables options window.
Require tax entry at header Use automatic tax calculation
Allow calculation level override Distributions amounts include tax Allow override
AP > Setup > Payables Options > Payables Options Window Reference > Invoice Tax Payables Options
Tax Defaults and Rules Payables options Use the tax defaults & rules tabbed region to set a hierarchy for
payables to use when it provides default tax codes.Payables will search the sources you enable,in the order you
designate,untill it finds a tax code.when payables finds a tax code,it will stop searching & default the tax code in
the document being created.Oracle Payables > Setup > Financials Options > Tax Financials Options
Practice Test
If the batch controls are not on, you can enter individual invoices in the Invoices window. __
2. If you select the Confirm Date as Invoice Number option, during invoice entry if you accept the
invoice date as the default for the invoice number, Oracle Payables displays a window. __
3. The Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices option allows users to update the amounts of a paid
invoice. __
4. If you select the Automatically Create Freight Distribution Payables option, you optionally enter a
freight account in the the Freight Account option field. __
5. Do not enable the Require Tax Entry at Header option if you plan to enter use taxes or allocate taxes.
enter use taxes or allocate taxes.
SettinupMatching options You can control matching at the system level in the payables options window
Allow final matching Allow distribution-level matching
Allow matching account override Transfer PO descriptive flexfield information
AP > Setup >Payables Options > Payables Options Window Reference > Matching Payables Options
Setup -> Options -> Payables (t) Matching
Implementation considrations
Invoice Gateway Considerations Determine wwhich field to display in invoice gateway folder & submit
payables open interface or online from create invoices window
(Help) Oracle Financial Applications > Oracle Payables > Setup > Payables Options > Payables Options
Window Reference > Matching Payables Options
Open interface workflow considerations workflow template that you must customize before you can use it to
process data(to help automate verification & validation of data in the payables open interace tables before
import is validate accounting codes combinations & send a notification to a user.Override any
inalid code combinations with designated default value.
Oracle Payables > Setup > Payables Options > Payables Options Window Reference > Matching Payables
Invoice matching considerations Invoice match option exists at the following levels: supplier,supplier site &
purchase order,shipment lines.Ensure that the matching option,purchase order or receipt set at the correct level.
Payment considerations Need to determine if any additional payment terms are needed for prepayments.
Optionaly set up default payment terms to be specified for prepayments during the payables options setup.
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Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Payment overview
Invoice Payment - Overview
Payables provides a variety of features for fast, controlled payment processing.
With Payables you can do the following:
• Set up bank accounts using one or more payment method options including checks,electronic funds transfer
(EFT), electronic data interchange (EDI) and wire.
• Pay only invoices that are due and automatically take the maximum discount available.
• Select invoices for payment, using a variety of criteria, and create payments automatically.
• Ensure that duplicate invoice payments don’t occur.
• Review information online for the result and status of payments.
Using the Payment Workbench
Payables includes two fully integrated workbenches; the Invoice Workbench and the Payment Workbench. You
enter, adjust or review invoices in the Invoice Workbench. You create, adjust and review payments in the
Payments Workbench. Use the Invoice Overview and Payment Overview windows to review information from
either workbench. These windows act as bridges between the two workbenches. For example, from the
Payments Overview, you can click Invoices to navigate to the Invoices window.
Check A payment document generated either manually, using a QuickCheck or a payment batch.Paper check to print and
send to a supplier.
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Clearing Payment for invoices transferred from another entity within the company without creating a payment
document.Payment method you use to account for intercompany expenses when you do not actually disburse funds
through banks. You do not generate a payment document with the Clearing payment method. When you enter the invoice,
you enter Clearing for the payment method.You can record a Clearing payment using a Manual type payment only.
Electronic An electronic funds transfer to the bank of a supplier.You create electronic payments either through the e-
Commerce Gateway, or by delivering a payment batch file to your bank. For both methods, Payables creates a file during
payment batch creation. If you are using the e-Commerce Gateway to create the file of payments, an EDI translator is
required to create the EDI Formatted file prior to delivering it to your bank.For electronic funds transfers, the file is
formatted and delivered to your ap.out directory for delivery to your bank.
Wire Funds transfer initiated be contacting the bank and requesting wire payment to the bank of a suplier.A payment
method where you pay invoices outside of Payables by notifying your bank that you want to debit your account and credit
your supplier’s account with appropriate funds. You provide your bank with your supplier’s bank information, and your
bank sends you confirmation of your transaction. Your supplier’s bank sends your supplier confirmation of the payment.
You then record the transaction manually.
Disbursement Types indicate whether the payment document was initially created within payables or outside of
payable.You can define additional disbursement types in the payables lookup window.
Recorded : Used for payment generated outside payables that need to be recorded in payables.Typically these payments
are either handwritten cjecks or wire transfers.
Computer generated : Used for payments generated by payables through either quick payments or payment batches
Combined : Used for payments created manually or computer generated.
Manual Payment Overview When you create a payment outside of Payables, for example, typed check or wire transfer, you
can record the payment within Payables and update the invoice or invoices that you paid.
With a manual payment, you can override some payment controls of Payables. You can record a single manual payment for multiple
Pay Alone invoices. You can record payment for invoices that are associated with any payment method except Electronic. You can
also pay an invoice for a supplier that has the Hold All Payments option enabled.Prerequisites for processing manual payments in
Payables are:
• Create the payment outside of Payables.
• The invoices or invoices you paid must be approved, uncanceled, without holds and must have the same currency as the payment.
• The bank account must have at least one payment document that uses the recorded/combined disbursement type.
Creating Manual Payments
Payables Responsibility (N) Payments > Entry > Payments
Select Invoices Window Select the invoices you paid. The sum of the invoices must equal the payment Amount you
entered. Optionally choose Invoice Overview to see detailed information about an invoice. If you have selected the wrong
invoice, you can select the invoice, and then choose the Reverse Payment button. This automatically creates a reversal,
which disassociates the invoice from the manual payment. You can now select the correct invoice.Initiating Manual
Payments from the Invoice Workbench In the Invoice Workbench, you can initiate manual payment of one or more
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
invoices or one or more scheduled payments. You do this by selecting the invoices you want to pay manually,clicking the
Actions button and selecting the Pay in Full option to navigate to the Payments window. You then select Manual as the
Payment Type. Payables automatically enters most of the payment information for you (such as payment amount and
supplier/site name), and you skip the invoice selection step you would perform if you were to initiate the manual payment
from the Payment Workbench.
Enter payment information
1. Navigate to the Payments window
(N) Payments > Entry > Payments Type = Manual Bank Accounts = XX Disbursement
Document Name – Computer/ Manual
2. The system will provide you with a message that it is reserving the payment document. This means that until
you complete all actions related to this manual payment, this particular bank account/document name cannot be
used by anyone else.
4. Accept the defaults for the remaining fields Supplier = XX IBM Corporation Supplier Site = San Francisco
Enter Invoices Paid by the Check 5. Navigate to the Select Invoices window(B) Enter/Adjust Invoices Invoice
Number = 16000 7. Because this is a Manual type payment, no payment format is used and therefore no
output(check, EFT, etc.) is produced. We are simply recording the fact that a check outside of the payables
system was written and updating the related invoice to a paid status.
Creating Quick Payments
You can create and print a computer generated payment to pay a supplier for one or more invoices. You can also
create a check, save it, then print it later. If you use the EDI Outbound payment format and you use e-Commerce
Gateway, then you can create electronic Quick payments. When you create a quick payment you can select an
invoice regardless of the payments terms and due date. For example, you can create a Quick payment for an
invoice that is not yet due. Prerequisites:
• Enable the Allow Print Payables option.
• The invoice(s) must be approved, uncanceled, and without holds.
• If you are creating an electronic payment, you must assign supplier banks to your supplier.
• The bank account must have at least one payment document that uses the Computer Generated or Combined
disbursement type.
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Payments Window
Type Select Quick.
Bank Account Enter the Bank Account you want to make the payment from.
Document Name Enter a payment Document Name that uses either a Computer-Generated or Combined
disbursement type.
Document Number Optionally change the payment Document Number, which defaults to the next available
number for the Document Name specified.
Supplier/Site Name Enter either the Supplier Name or Number, and enter the Supplier Site.If necessary, enter
or adjust other information:
• If you want to create the payment for an address different from the supplier site and your Allow Payment
Address Change Payables option is enabled, adjust the address. For example, you may need to send an expense
check to a consultant working at a site away from home.
• If you record voucher numbers either manually or by using Sequential Numbering, enter or review voucher
information.• If the payment currency is different from your functional currency, enter exchange rate
information in the Payment Rate region.
• If you are making an electronic payment and you have enabled the Allow Remit-to Account Override Payables
option, then you can select a different Remit-to account from the list of values. The list of values includes bank
accounts assigned to the supplier that have the same payment currency.
(B) Enter/Adjust Invoices - Click this button to navigate to the Select Invoices window.
Select Invoices Window Select the invoices you want to pay. Optionally choose Invoice Overview to see
detailed information about an invoice.
Return to the Payments Window Payables automatically enters the Payment Amount for you. Choose Actions
to navigate to the Payment Actions window.
Format and optionally print the check:
• To format and print, first verify the payment document is in your printer, then select Print Now, optionally
change the printer name, and choose OK.
• To format only and print the check later, select Format and choose OK. When you are ready to print, print
from the Concurrent Requests Summary or from the operating system. You can use the Print Now option in the
Actions window to print only if you print immediately after formatting.
Quick Payment Restrictions:
• NUMBER OF INVOICES: You can only pay as many invoices as you defined for the
remittance advice of the payment document.
• SAME SUPPLIER SITE: You can only select invoices that have the same supplier site as the payment supplier
site you enter. You can, however, change the payment mailing address if the Allow Payment Address Change
Payables option is enabled.
• PAY ALONE INVOICES: If you want to pay multiple invoices, none can be a ”Pay Alone” invoice.
• PAYING IN A FOREIGN CURRENCY: You must pay in the same currency as the invoice. You can enter and
pay a foreign currency invoice only if your Allow Multiple Currencies Payables option is enabled, and you have
defined a multi-currency or foreign currency denominated bank account.
• CANNOT STOP FORMATTED QUICK PAYMENTS. You cannot stop a Quick Payment after it has been
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Initiating Quick Payments from the Invoice Workbench
In the Invoice Workbench, you can initiate quick payment of one or more invoices or one or more scheduled
payments. You do this by selecting the invoices you want to pay, clicking the actions button and selecting the
Pay in Full option to navigate to the Payments window. The Payment Type should default as Quick. Payables
automatically enters most of the payment information for you (such as payment amount and supplier/site name),
and you skip the invoice selection step you would perform if you were to initiate the payment from the Payment
Create a quick Check
1. Navigate to the Invoices window (N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice Batches
2. Using either Query or Find functionality, locate your XX Batch and then locate invoice #8000 from that batch
for XX IBM Corporation which is for $1,000 3. Check to see that the invoice has been approved
Pay the invoice
4. (B) Actions Pay in Full = Checked
Oracle Payables displays the Payments window
Type = Quick Bank Account = XX Disbursement
Document Name = Computer/Manual
B) Actions Format = Checked click OK & check will be printed once concurrent job completes
Processing Stop Payments
After you call your bank to initiate a stop payment on a payment document, you can record the stop payment
status in Payables. You can then either void the payment to reverse the accounting and payment records
(assuming the bank has confirmed that the payment has not cleared), or you can release the stop payment to
reset the payment status to negotiable (assuming the bank has notified you that the payment has cleared or the
supplier has contacted you that they located the payment document). You can review all current stop payments
in the Stopped Payments Report. You can query all payments with a status of Stop Initiated byselecting that
status in the Find Payments window and then selecting the Find button.
To stop a payment:
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
• Contact bank and request stop payment. • Find the payment online. In the Payments window, select the
payment and choose
Actions.• In the Payment Actions window select Initiate Stop. • Choose OK to have Payables update the
payment status to Stop Initiated.
To release a stop on a payment: • Find the payment online. In the Payments window select the payment and
choose Actions.
• In the Payment Actions window select Release Stop.• Choose OK to have Payables release the stop on the
payment and reset the status to Negotiable.
Stop Payment Restrictions:
• PREPAYMENTS - You cannot initiate a stop payment on a payment document that pays a prepayment that
you have applied to an invoice. You must first unapply any prepayments, and then you can stop payment.
• QUICK PAYMENTS - You cannot initiate a stop payment on a Quick Payment that has been formatted.
Voiding Payments
When you void a payment, Payables automatically reverses the accounting associated with the payment. The
status of the paid invoices is also reset to Unpaid or Cancelled depending on the Invoice Action you select when
you void the payment. Payables also reverses any realized gains or losses on foreign currency invoices recorded
as paid by the payment. When you void a payment, you can select the action you want Payables to take on the
invoices paid by the void payment. You can choose to place the invoices on hold, cancel the invoices, or do
nothing with the invoices, leaving them available for payment.
Note: Since you cannot reverse a void on a void payment, you should have the payment you want to void in
your possession or proof that it has not cleared the bank or has been destroyed before you record it as voided.
You may also want to review the invoices paid by that payment before you void it, to make sure that you are
voiding the correct payment. You can review these invoices in the Invoice Workbench.
Call your bank to initiate a stop payment if the payment has been sent to an employee or
supplier. Wait until you get confirmation of the stop payment before you void the payment in
Payables (optional but recommended).
To void a payment document:
Find the payment online, and from the Payments window select the payment and choose the Actions button. In
the Payment Actions window select Void. Review and optionally change the void Date and the GL Date you
want Payables to use for the accounting distributions.
• If you want to change to Unpaid the status of the related invoices, select None for the
Invoice Action. The invoices will be available for payment on new payment document.
• If you want to apply a hold to the related invoices, select Hold for the Invoice Action and select a Hold Name
in the Hold window. Payables will void the payment document, reset the status of the related invoices to Unpaid,
and apply the hold you selected to the related invoices.• If you want to cancel all related invoices and reset their
Amounts to zero, select Cancel for the Invoice Action. Payables will void the payment document and cancel the
related invoices.
Voiding and reissuing quick payments You can void a Quick payment document and automatically reissue
payment for the same invoices. You can void the original payment and reissue a new Quick payment.
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Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Prerequisites Enable the Allow Void and Reissue Payables option.
To void and reissue a Quick payment:
• Load and properly align your payment document in the printer.• Find the Quick payment online, and from the
Payments window select the payment and choose Actions.
• In the Payment Actions window select Reissue. Enter the Payment Date and confirm the New Check Number.
Payables automatically selects Void for you. Review and optionally update the void dates. Payables will void
the selected Quick payment and create a new Quick payment document to pay the invoices.
• INVOICES PAID BY ANOTHER PAYMENT -When you void a payment, you cannot cancel a related
invoice if it was partially paid by a second payment. Instead, when you choose Cancel Invoice, the system
applies an ”Invoice Cancel” hold to the invoice for your reference. You can release the hold manually in the
Invoice Holds window. • CANCELLING ASSOCIATED INVOICES - If you attempt to cancel an invoice that
has been partially paid by another payment by using the Cancel Invoice Action, instead of cancelling the
invoice, Payables applies an Invoice Cancel hold to the invoice. This hold is manually releasable.
• CLEARED PAYMENTS - You cannot void a payment that the bank has already cleared.
• PREPAYMENTS - You cannot void payment on a payment document that pays a prepayment that you have
applied to an invoice. You must first unapply any prepayments, and then you can void the payment.
A refund closes out an outstanding credit balance.You are effectively making a negative payment for a credit balance.The
refund payment can consist of any combination of the following documents as long as total is a negative amount.
Invoice Credit Memos Debit memos Expense reports
Oracle Payables > Payments > Refunds
Paying these documents with a refund records each document as paid, and gives you a complete supplier transaction
history.You can record refunds from suppliers for prepayments you have made to them, such as a refund for deposit or
repayment of a travel advance.Note: Refunds do not integrate with Oracle Receivables.
Recording refunds : Use the payments window to record refund payments for one or more outstanding payables
documents.This closes the open credit balance and also maintains a full transaction history for a supplier.Recording
refunds when a credit balance exists
1 set up the bank account in which you will deposit the refund
2 In the payment window,choose refund as the payment type and enter a negative value as the amount.
3 Query unpaid or partially paid invoices and select positive & negative amount invoices.
5 Payables records the refund and updates the status of each selected invoices to paid.
Payments --> Entry --> Payments
Overview of Payment Batches
Use payment batches to create payments for multiple suppliers and multiple invoices that meet selection criteria
you specify. In addition to controlling which invoices Payables selects for payment in the batch, you can also set
limits on payment amounts and decide whether to take applicable discounts.
Payment Batch Templates and Payment Batch Sets
Payment batch templates and payment batch sets enable you to use predefined payment batch criteria for
payment batches you frequently process.• Payment batch template - You can copy payment batch criteria from
an existing payment batch in the Payment Batches window.• Payment batch set - You can define a group of
payment batches with predefined selection criteria in the Payment Batch Sets window. You can initiate multiple
payment batches at once when you use payment batch sets.
Steps to Creating Payment Batches You follow a series of steps to create your payment. Initiate each step from
the Payment Batch Actions window, or, for payment batch sets, from the Submit Payment Batch Set window.
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Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Select Invoices Initiate the payment batch by entering criteria for invoices you want to select for payment.
Build Payments Payables builds the payments; it determines which invoices will be paid on each payment
Print Preliminary Register Lists the payment documents in the order they will be produced with the invoice
information included with each payment.
Modify Payment Batch At any time before formatting, you can optionally modify the payment batch.
Format Payments Payables produces an output file when it formats payments.
Print Documents or Create Electronic Payments Using the output file, you can print checks, create electronic
payments, or deliver the output file to your bank to disburse electronic payments.
Cancel Payment Batch If needed, you can cancel a payment batch.
Confirm Payment Batch You confirm the payment batch by recording the document numbers associated with
each payment. During this step Payables updates the invoice status to paid and associates a payment number
with the invoice and invoice payment.• Restart Payment Batch - You can restart a payment batch if a concurrent
process fails. You can also restart check printing if the printer malfunctions during check printing.
Print Final Register You can use this register to review the completed payment batch.
Checking Status of Payment Batches You can check the status of a payment batch at any time during the
payment batch process by checking the Status field in the Payment Batches window.
Initiating a New Payment Batch Payables Responsibility (N) Payments > Entry > Payment Batches
Batch Name You must enter a unique Batch Name. This name will appear on your reports and will help
you locate the batch online.Payment Date Enter a Payment Date. This is the date that Payables will print on the
payment or remittance advice.
Status This is a display only field that will be updated by the system as you progress through the payment batch
processing steps. Payables differentiates statuses that are in progress (for example, building or formatting)
versus statuses that are complete (for example, built or formatted). There is an additional field displayed and
titled Next Step to indicate the next step that needs to be performed to continue processing the payment batch.
Bank Account The default bank account is displayed, but you can optionally change to a different account.
Document Name Select a payment document. Payment Method Select a payment method.
Document Information Optionally review or adjust document information.• First Document - Payables
displays the first document number available, which may be used as setup checks depending on how the
payment document was defined, to use for printing payments in a payment batch. If you are using pre-printed,
pre-numbered, check stock, make sure this number matches with the number on your next sheet of stock.
• Last Document - Payables also displays the last available document number for the payment document.
• Document Order - Select the order in which you want to print your payment documents and review your
Preliminary Payment Register. Options include: Ascending Postal Code, Descending Postal Code, Supplier
Name, or Supplier Number.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Selecting Invoices Define your invoice selection criteria to determine which invoices will be paid.
Pay Group You can leave this field blank or optionally enter a pay group. You may want to pay only
manufacturing suppliers, office supplies suppliers or utilities suppliers in this payment batch.
Pay Through Date Verify the defaulted date and change it if needed. Payables will select invoices with a
discount or due date on or before this date. This date may need to be extended - for example due to upcoming
holidays that will delay the next normally scheduled payment batch run or due to vacations for staff responsible
for running payment batches.
Payment Priorities Optionally, choose your high and low payment priorities.
Allow Zero Invoices Enable this option to allow Payables to select zero amount invoices for payment.
Include Only Due Enable this option if you want to override supplier sites with a pay date basis set to discount
and only pay invoices with due dates on or before the Pay Through Date.
Payment Limits Optionally review or adjust payment limits.• The Maximum Outlay is the maximum Payables
will pay for this payment batch. If the batch total exceeds this number, you will get a warning, but you can
continue processing the payment batch.• The Maximum/Minimum Payments define the range of payment
amounts allowed for a single payment in a payment batch. If Payables selects invoices for a supplier site and
the total of the invoices is more or less than the Maximum/Minimum Payment, Payables pays no invoices for
that supplier site.
Building Payments When you build payments, the system determines the following:• The number of
payment documents that will be issued (based on the supplier/pay site combinations selected and whether the
Pay Alone flag has been enabled).• Which supplier/pay site will print on each document number (based on the
document order).• Which invoices will be paid on each payment document.This information is listed for you on
the Preliminary Payment Register.
Modifying Payment Batches At any time before formatting the payment batch, you can make changes. You
can modify thepayment amount of an invoice, prevent payment to a supplier, prevent payment of a particular
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
invoice, or add an invoice that Payables did not originally select. If you add invoices to a payment batch,
Payables automatically rebuilds payments after you modify the payment batch.After you complete your
modifications, you can review your changes on a new Preliminary Payment Register, and modify the payment
batch again or continue with Formatting Payments.
Formatting Payments You attach a format to payment documents you define during setup. When you choose
a payment document, Payables uses the associated format to create an output file that you can
use to make payments.
Output file format • Check - If you will be printing checks, you will attach a format program to the payment
document you define that creates a flat file in the format of a check.• e-Commerce Gateway - If you will be
transmitting an EDI formatted file to the bank, you will attach a format program to the payment document you
define that creates a flat file based on an e-Commerce Gateway map. You will take this flat file and translate it
to an EDI file format using an EDI translator. The EDI formatted file is sent to the bank. • EFT - If you will be
sending electronic funds transfer (EFT) instructions to your bank, you will attach a format program to the
payment document you define that creates an EFT formatted flat file.
Note: If you are making electronic payments with e-Commerce Gateway, during formatting,the Remittance
Advice Outbound Extract Program from the e-Commerce Gateway application automatically formats the
payment batch and creates a flat file in your e-Commerce Gateway output directory.If you are making electronic
payments without the e-Commerce Gateway, you can deliver the output file to your bank for processing. The
output file is stored in the Payables output directory. Its name is created by appending a period and the
concurrent manager request number to your login userid (for example, SYSA DMIN.12345).
Printing Payments If you have not yet formatted your payment batch, you can format your payment batch
and print payment batch checks using the Payment Actions window. Payables uses the printer you assigned to
your payment program as the default printer. If you have not assigned a printer to your payment program,
Payables uses the printer you entered for your Printer profile option as your default printer. If you have
formatted your payment batch without printing it, you can print payment batch checks from the Concurrent
Requests Summary (program name Format Payments) or your operating system prompt.
Confirming Payment Batches Confirming is the final step in processing a payment batch. This step is very
important because it updates the payment history of invoices paid in a payment batch and associates payment
document numbers with the invoices and invoice payments. Also, if you have any unconfirmed payment
batches, you cannot close a period or use the same payment document for any other payments until you confirm
the payment batch.During confirmation, you record the status of every payment document used during the
payment batch. If you refer to the payment documents and the Preliminary Print Register when you confirm, it
helps you enter accurate information. For Electronic payments, confirm the entire range of payments as Printed,
or cancel the entire batch if there were problems.
You will assign one of four status types to each document:• Setup - Payables automatically displays the setup
checks used to align your printer.Payables automatically voids these checks when you confirm a payment batch.
You control the number of setup checks in the Payment Document region of the Bank Accounts window
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
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• Printed - Either the checks printed properly or the Electronic payments formattedcorrectly. Ranges of Printed
documents must end on a negotiable document.• Skipped - The printer skipped over these checks and nothing
printed on them. You can reuse these documents for single payments.• Spoiled - The printer malfunctioned
(jammed or missed a check) and ruined these documents, so you cannot reuse them. Documents may also be
spoiled if the wrong check stock was used. Payables automatically voids these documents when you record
them as spoiled.You may have check overflow, a situation where there are more invoices paid by a check than
can fit on the remittance advice of one check. If you use the check overflow method Void Except Last, Payables
voids all checks except the last one for the supplier site. You should record the status of all the checks as
Printed.From the Confirm window, you can record the status of the payments and, if necessary, restart
the payment batch or cancel the remainder. If the payment method is Electronic, you must wait for confirmation
from the bank before you can confirm your payment batch. You cannot restart the payment batch. You must
either confirm the entire batch or cancel it. If you choose Restart Batch, you will be asked for a document
number on which to restart the batch. The batch will Build and Format again. Then confirm the batch, including
any spoiled checks. Payables automatically prints the Final Payment Register. If you choose Cancel Remainder,
Payables updates the status of the invoices paid with the Printed checks to Paid and prints the Final Payment
Register for the recorded portion of the batch. For any checks you record as Spoiled and any checks you did not
record, Payables sets the status of the corresponding invoices to unpaid. To pay these invoices, include them in a
new payment batch or pay them with single payments.
Create a Payment Batch
Select Invoices for Payment
1. You’ll accomplish this by using the Autoselect feature in Oracle Payables. Since you only
want to select the invoices you created in the previous Invoice Lab set, you can identify the
invoices you created by the Pay Group = XX Pay Group.
2. Navigate to the Payment Batch window.
(N) Payments > Entry > Payment Batches
Batch Name = XX Payment Batch
Payment Date = Today’s Date
Pay Group = XX Pay Group
Bank Account = XX Disbursement
Document = Computer/Manual
Pay Through Date = Today + 45 days (just to be sure you capture all your invoices)
3. Accept the remaining defaults
Submit Processes to Select and Build Invoices
In the Payment Batch Actions window, select the following check boxes: Select Invoices,
Build Payments, Print Preliminary Register
Requery Payment Batch to Refresh the Status
11. Requery payment batch
Ensure Status = Built
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Modify a Payment Batch
12. Once you’ve reviewed the preliminary check register, you can adjust invoices selected.
13. (B) Actions
14. Note that the Format check box is already selected. You must uncheck this box before
selecting the Modify check box.
Modify Payment Batch = Checked
16. Oracle Payables displays the Modify Payment Batch window. Locate invoice number 6000
which is the invoice you do not want to pay.
17. In the Pay field for this invoice, select No.18. Note how the total payment amount to the supplier has
decreased.19. Locate invoice number 1000 which has been selected for a $10,000 payment. You want to
reduce the amount to be paid to $5,000.20. In the Amount field, overwrite the $10,000 to $5,000.21. (B) Build
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Requery Payment Batch to Refresh the Status
Format and Print your Payment Batch
26. (B) Actions to open the Payment Batch Actions window
27. Note that the Format check box is already selected. Check the Print Now box.
Monitor the Processes Requery Payment Batch to Refresh the Status In the To field, enter the last check
number that printed successfully.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Requery Payment Batch to Refresh the Status 43. Requery payment batch Ensure Status = Confirmed
Overview of Electronic Payment Options
Creating Electronic Payments without Oracle eCommerce Gateway
Follow nearly the same steps as for payment batch.However instead of printing the checks,file of formatted
payments is sent to your bank for disbursement to supplier bank account
Oracle Payables > Payments >Electronic Payments > EFT Payments without e-Commerce Gateway
Pre-Requisites for processing electronic payments
When you define payment formats select the appropriate electronic payment method.Define remittance bank
accounts & payment documents that you will use to create electronic funds transfer(EFT) payments.Setup
supplier & supplier sites with bank accounts that receieve electronic payments.When you enter the invoices that
you want to pay,enter electronic as the payment method.
Oracle Payables > Payments > Electronic Payments
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Oracle Payables > Payments >Electronic Payments > Electronic Payments with e-Commerce Gateway
Prerequisites for using oracle eCommerce gateway Define a payment document that uses the EDI outbound
program format.Define trading partners in e-Commerce gateway.Enable the outbound payment transaction order
for the bank branch.Define any code conversions for transactions.
Using Oracle e-Commerce gateway 1 Setup suppliers for EDI transactions & assign electronic as method of
payment & EDI as the payment format.2 Setup supplier bank accounts3Define a unique pay group
4 Create disbursements bank account for EDI payments
5 Create a payment document with the payment format of EDI outbound EDI outbound payment file
1 Use EDI translator to transit the formatted payment data to your bank for disbursement.
2 You can then define a payment document that uses the EDI outbound program payment format and assign this
document to the bank account from which you will disburse payment.
Creating EDI payment batches
You can initiate a payment batch using a payment document associated with the EDI outbound program
payment format.When you format the payment,Oracle e-Commerce gateway automatically formats the batch
ans creates a flat file in your e-Commerce gateway output directory.Oracle e-Commerce gateway sends the file
to your EDI translator & then to your bank.
Implementing Payments
Define Payment Terms (Required)Set up at least the default payment terms you will specify when you set up
Financial Options.You can delay this setup step but should complete it prior to entering suppliers. You will only
need to perform this setup one time even if you have multiple operating units.
Payment Terms
Payables Responsibility (N) Setup > Invoice > Payment Terms
In the Payment Terms window, you define payment terms that you can assign to an invoice to automatically
create scheduled payments when you submit Approval for the invoice. You can define payment terms to create
multiple scheduled payment lines and multiple levels of discounts. You can create an unlimited number of
payment terms. Payment terms have one or more payment terms lines, each of which creates one scheduled
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
payment. Each payment terms line and each corresponding scheduled payment have a due date or a discount
date based on one of the following:
• A specific day of a month, such as the 15th of the month.• A specific date, for example, March 15, 2002.
• A number of days added to your terms date, such as 14 days after the terms date.• A special calendar that
specifies a due date for the period that includes the invoice terms date. Only due dates can be based on a special
calendar. Discount dates cannot be based on a special calendar.Each payment terms line also defines the due or
discount amount on a scheduled payment. When you define payment terms you specify payment amounts either
by percentages or by fixed amounts. After you define your payment terms, in the Payables Options window you
can select default payment terms that Payables automatically assigns to the suppliers and supplier sites you
enter. The payment terms for a supplier site default to the invoices you enter for the site.
To define payment terms:
Name Enter a unique payment term name and a description. Use names that make it easy to identify
the usage of payment terms. For example, use 1/10 Net 30 to refer to a payment term which indicates you get a
1% discount if you pay within 10 days and the invoice is due in 30 days. This name will appear on a list of
values with the description whenever you select a payment term.
Description Description of payment term.
Cutoff Day For Day of Month type terms only, the day of month after which the due and discount dates of
the scheduled payment will be in a future month. The exact month depends on the value you enter for Months
Ahead. Payables compares the invoice terms date to the Cutoff Day. If you leave this field blank, Payables
always uses the current accounting month to determine the due and discount dates. For example, your Cutoff
Day is 11, your Months ahead is zero, and your Day Of Month due date is 15. If you enter an invoice with a
terms date of January 12, Payables will set the due date for February 15. If you use Due Days or Fixed Date type
terms, do not enter a cutoff day.
[Effective Dates] To If you want to make this payment term invalid on and after a certain date, enter that date in
the [Effective Dates]To field.
Rank If you enable Recalculate Scheduled Payment, enter a unique value to rank your invoice terms.One is the
highest rank. Payables uses ranks to choose the most favorable payment terms from the invoice and purchase
order. During Approval, Payables recalculates the scheduled payment using the most favorable terms only if the
Recalculate Scheduled Payment Payables option is enabled.
Payment Terms Line Enter one of the following to determine the portion of an invoice due on the scheduled
payment:• % Due - The portion of an invoice due. The total of your scheduled payment lines must equal 100%.
You cannot combine percentages due and amounts due for one set of payment terms.
• Amount - For amount due terms only, enter the amount due. Typically amount due terms
have more than one payment terms line since you must specify zero as the amount on your last payment terms
line. Payables uses the zero amount payment line to determine the remaining amount due on the last scheduled
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Due Tabbed Region Enter one of the following to determine the due date on the scheduled payment line:
• Calendar - If you enter a value in the Calendar field, Payables determines due dates for scheduled payments by
using a special calendar. A special calendar is divided into periods, and each period has a due date assigned to it.
When you assign due dates to the periods of a payment terms calendar, you can avoid weekends, holidays, and
so on. You can define special calendars for payment terms in the Special Calendar window. • Fixed Date -
Specific month, day, and year on which payment terms are due.• % Discount - Payables uses the percentage you
enter here to calculate the discount amount available for a scheduled payment. Payables multiplies this
percentage with the amount due on the scheduled payment line to determine the discount amount available on
the scheduled payment line. In the Second and Third Discount regions, you can enter second and third discount
percentages for discounts available if you miss the first discount date. Do not enter a value in this field if there is
no discount available.• Days - Payables adds this number of days to the invoice terms date to determine the due
or discount date on your scheduled payment line. You cannot enter values in the Day of Month and Months
Ahead fields for a payment terms line if you enter a value in this field.
• Day of Month/Months Ahead - Day of Month - Payables uses the value you enter here to calculate a due or
discount date for a scheduled payment. For example, enter 15 to have Payables schedule payment for the 15th
day of the month. Enter 31 if you want to have Payables schedule payment for the final day of the month,
including months with less than 31 days.
- Months Ahead - For Day of Month type terms only. Payables uses the value you enter here in conjunction with
the Cutoff Day you enter to calculate the due or discount date of a scheduled payment line. If you enter zero in
this field and the terms date of an invoice is the same as or later than the Cutoff Day, then Payables uses the day
in the Day of Month field for the next month as the due date of an invoice payment line. If you enter 1 in this
field, Payables uses one month beyond the next month as the due date. You cannot enter a value in this field if
you enter a value in the Due Days field.
Discount Tabbed Region If you are using discount terms, define payment terms lines in the First, Second,
and Third Discount tabbed regions. Define your discounts so that the first discount has an earlier discount date
than the second and so on. You can realize only one discount on a payment terms line.• Enter one of the
following to determine the portion of the invoice to discount on the scheduled payment: % Discount or Amount.
• In the Discount region, enter the discount percent.Enter one of the following to determine the due date on the
scheduled payment line: Due Days, Day of Month, or Months Ahead.
Define Bank Accounts (Required) Define Banks where you are the account holder of a receipt and/or
disbursement account. You can also use Payables to define external banks where your suppliers are the account
holders. If you define your external bank accounts now, you will be able to assign them to suppliers you
set up later. This step must be performed for each operating unit.
Payment Formats
Use the Payment Formats window to define the payment formats you need to define payment documents in the
Banks window. You define payment formats using one of the four payment
methods that Payables uses. You can define as many payment formats as you require for each
payment method; however, each payment format must be unique for that payment method.
Payment Format Enter a unique name for the payment format you are defining. This name will appear in a list
of values in the Payment Documents window.Payment Method Select the type of payment method that this
payment format will use: check, electronic, wire or clearing.
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Zero Amount Payments Only Enable this option if you want this payment format to be used only to create zero
amount payments. Disable this option if you want this payment format to be used to create nonzero amount
payments. You cannot update this value for a payment format used in a payment batch in progress.
Group by Due Date Enable this option if you want this format to group payments by due date. If you enable
this option, Payables groups payments for invoices with the same due date on the same payment document.
Invoices with different due dates are paid using a separate payment document for each due date. If you disable
this option, Payables groups payments on payment documents according to the order in which the invoices were
selected when you initiate a payment batch.
Currency • Multiple - Select Multiple if you want to use a payment format to pay invoices of different
currencies. You can select Multiple only if you enable the Use Multiple Currencies Payables option. You can
only use a multiple currency format with a bank account whose bank account currency is the same as your
functional currency.• Single - Select Single if you want to use a payment format to pay invoices of only one
currency. You must select the currency you want to pay with this format in the next field. You can then use this
format only with a bank account whose currency is the same as the currency you define for this payment format.
• Currency - Enter a currency code for a Single currency payment format. If you do not enable the Use Multiple
Currencies Payables option, Payables enters your functional currency in this field and you cannot change it.
If you enable the Use Multiple Currencies Payables option, you can change this option from Single to Multiple
at any time; however, you can change the currency from Multiple to Single only if you have not already
assigned the payment format to a payment document.
Remittance Choose where you want to print remittance advice for the payments you create using this
payment format.• Before Document - Payables prints a remittance advice on the payment document stub,
before it prints the payment.• After Document - Payables prints a remittance advice on the payment document
stub, after it prints the payment.• None - Payables prints a separate remittance advice, based on the remittance
advice program you select for the payment format.
Number of Invoices Enter the number of invoices you want to appear on your remittance advice for this
payment format. This value only applies to a remittance advice included in your Format Payments programs (not
a Separate Remittance Advice program). Do not change this value for the payment formats that Payables
predefines. Note that for any of the Evergreen type payment formats the maximum value that defaults in this
field is 37, and if you enter a value greater than 37 your payment format will not work.
Programs • Build Payments - The Build Payments program this payment format uses during payment building
to group the selected invoices for each payment, to order the payments using the order option you specify, to
create any necessary overflow payments, and to determine the total number and amount of payments for a
payment batch. For this field, select the Standard Build Payments program that Payables provides. You do not
need to define any additional Build Payment programs.
Format Payments - The Format Payments program this payment format uses. You must select None for the
Remittance Advice option to select the BACS or the U.S. Treasury
Format Payments program since these formats do not have remittance stubs. During payment formatting,
Payables uses your payment format to create the layout of your checks or electronic funds transfer file. If you
plan on using a laser printer to print checks, select the External Laser Format Payments Program.• Separate
Remittance - You do not have to define a Separate Remittance Advice program for a payment format, because
you can include the separate remittance advice program in your Format Payments program. Each Format
Payments program provided by Payables includes a remittance advice program.
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Define Additional Payment Formats (Optional) Use the Payment Formats window to define the payment
formats you need to create payment documents in the Banks window. You choose a Build Payments program,
and a Format Payments program for each payment format. You can choose any payment program that you
have defined in the Payment Programs window or any standard program Payables provides.You can also specify
the number of invoices allowed per remittance, the invoice grouping, the position of the check stub (for payment
formats using payment programs that produce a stub),and whether the payment format can be used for multiple
currencies and zero-amount payments only.If you need to perform this setup step, do it prior to setting up
payment documents for your bank accounts.
Define Financials Options (Required)
Use the Financial Options window to set the following information:
• Employee numbering• Position approval hierarchies option (whether to use position approval hierarchies)
• Inventory organization• Business group (Make sure a business group is specified.)• Supplier numbering
• Employee numbering You must first use the Choose a Set of Books window to specify your primary set of
books before you will be able to enter the Financial Options window. This step must be performed
for each operating unit. The following account combinations should be set up in advance (if you have not
enabled dynamic insertion for your set of books) or at least the segment values. Be prepared to enter
the following accounts: • Liability • Prepayment • Discount Taken
In addition, be prepared to optionally enter the following accounts:
• Future Dated Payment • PO Rate Variance Gain • PO Rate Variance Loss • Expenses Clearing
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
Define Payables Options (Required)
Use the Payables Options window to set control options and defaults used throughout Payables. You can set
defaults in this window that will simplify supplier entry, invoice entry,
and payment processing. You can update most of these options at any time to change controls and defaults for
future transactions. This step must be performed for each operating unit. Be prepared with the following account
combinations set up in advance (if you have not enabled dynamic insertion for your set of books) or at least the
segment values for each code combination defined. Be prepared to enter the following accounts:
• Rounding Account
If you are using more than one currency, additionally be prepared with the following accounts:
• Realized Gain • Realized
Intercompany Accounting
The following T-accounts illustrate the intercompany balancing entries that General
Ledger creates to resolve the imbalance presented in the preceding example:
Oracle Payables Implementation Overview with screenshots
Ranu Srivastava- Oracle Apps Techno-Functional Consultant
how Payables builds a GL account on a liability distribution using the two different methods:
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