Cursors: It is an Temporary buffer used to hold the transactional data for manipulation purpose.
It is not stored in database.
It is not Re-usable.
It is valid in Pl/sql Block only.
It is created in the Logical memory only.
2 Types :
1. Implicit cursors: Automatically created by oracle whenever " DML" operations are performed by user.
2. Explicit Cursors: Created by user in Pl/sql Block.
Used to retrieve multiple rows from multiple tables into pl/sql block for manipulation purpose.
It is based on SELECT stmt.
Explicit Cursors :
I . Declaring Cursor Syntax: cursor <cursor name> is <select stmt>;
II. Cursor Operations: i> open <cursor name>;
used to open the cursor
memory will be alloted to cursor after opening it
ii> Fetch <cursor name> into < Variables >;
Used to retrieve data from cursor to pl/sql variables.
At a time it can retrieve only one row into variables
Generally Fetch will be placed in loop
iii> close <cursor name>;
used to close the cursor
memory alloted will be Deallocated
III. Cursor Attributes Gives the status of cursor
<cursor name>%<attribute>
a> %isopen - Returns True / False
Returns True if cursor is opened successfully
b> %found - Returns True / False
Returns True if Fetch statement sucessfully retrieves the row into Pl/sql variables.
c> %notfound - Returns True / False
Returns True if Fetch statement fails to retrieve the row into Pl/sql variables
d> %rowcount - Returns Number
Returns the No.of rows sucessfully retrieved from cursor so far. Initially it holds 0.
After every sucessful "Fetch" it is incremented by 1.
It is not stored in database.
It is not Re-usable.
It is valid in Pl/sql Block only.
It is created in the Logical memory only.
2 Types :
1. Implicit cursors: Automatically created by oracle whenever " DML" operations are performed by user.
2. Explicit Cursors: Created by user in Pl/sql Block.
Used to retrieve multiple rows from multiple tables into pl/sql block for manipulation purpose.
It is based on SELECT stmt.
Explicit Cursors :
I . Declaring Cursor Syntax: cursor <cursor name> is <select stmt>;
II. Cursor Operations: i> open <cursor name>;
used to open the cursor
memory will be alloted to cursor after opening it
ii> Fetch <cursor name> into < Variables >;
Used to retrieve data from cursor to pl/sql variables.
At a time it can retrieve only one row into variables
Generally Fetch will be placed in loop
iii> close <cursor name>;
used to close the cursor
memory alloted will be Deallocated
III. Cursor Attributes Gives the status of cursor
<cursor name>%<attribute>
a> %isopen - Returns True / False
Returns True if cursor is opened successfully
b> %found - Returns True / False
Returns True if Fetch statement sucessfully retrieves the row into Pl/sql variables.
c> %notfound - Returns True / False
Returns True if Fetch statement fails to retrieve the row into Pl/sql variables
d> %rowcount - Returns Number
Returns the No.of rows sucessfully retrieved from cursor so far. Initially it holds 0.
After every sucessful "Fetch" it is incremented by 1.
Using Explicit Cursors: * Pl/sql Block calculates new commission for all employees using Explicit Cursors:
cursor c1 is select empno,ename,comm from emp
order by deptno;
veno emp.empno%type;
vname emp.ename%type;
vcomm emp.comm%type;
open c1;
IF c1%isopen THEN
(' Employ New Commission Report ');
fetch c1 into veno,vname,vcomm;
exit when c1%notfound;
if vcomm is null then
vcomm := 3000;
elsif vcomm = 0 then
vcomm := 2500;
vcomm := vcomm + vcomm * .25;
end if;
update emp set comm = vcomm
where empno = veno;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount||' '||veno
||' '||vname||' '||vcomm);
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount ||' Employees are updated with new commission ');
close c1;
-- commit;
dbms_output.put_line(' Unable to open cursor... ');
student - roll,name,class,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6--------------------------------------------------------------
* Pl/Sql block calculates Total marks and Average marks of all students & Give Average marks of class:
cursor c2 is select roll,name,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6 from student where class = 10;
i c2%rowtype; -- cursor record type declaration
totmarks number(6);
avgmarks number(5,2);
classtot number(12) := 0 ;
classavg number(7,2);
open c2;
dbms_output.put_line(' Student Report ');
fetch c2 into i;
exit when c2%notfound;
totmarks := i.m1 + i.m2 + i.m3 + i.m4 + i.m5 + i.m6;
avgmarks := totmarks / 6;
classtot := classtot + totmarks;
dbms_output.put_line(i.roll||' '||
||' '||totmarks||' '||avgmarks);
end loop;
classavg := classtot / c2%rowcount;
dbms_output.put_line('Average marks of Class is : '||classavg);
close c2;
create " Item_Master " Table and insert the rows.
Itno -- 101
Name -- RICE
UOM - (Pcs,Ltr,Mtr,Kgs)(Unit of Measurement) -- Kgs
Class - (A,B,C) -- C
Description -- Sona Masoori high quality
Rate -- 38
ROL ( Re order Level ) -- 100
ROQ ( Re order Quantity ) -- 500
QOH ( Quantity on hand ) -- 60
* Write a pl/sql program to print the item details with total value ( qoh * rate ) and also print total value of entire stock.
* Write a pl/sql program to print the items to be Re-ordered. ( if qoh <= rol ).
* Pl/SQL Block using Cursor with operations:
cursor c2 is select * from dept;
i c2%rowtype;
open c2;
fetch c2 into i;
exit when c2%notfound;
Dbms_output.put_line(c2%rowcount||' '||i.deptno
||' '||i.dname||' '||i.loc);
end loop;
close c2;
Cursor For Loop:
used to perform cursor operations automatically.
Improves performance.
For < variable > in <cursor name> loop
< Exec stmts >;
End loop;
Advantage: No need to
1. open cursor
2. fetch rows
3. check for end of rows
4. close cursor
5. declare variables
cursor c1 is select empno,ename,comm from emp
order by deptno;
veno emp.empno%type;
vname emp.ename%type;
vcomm emp.comm%type;
open c1;
IF c1%isopen THEN
(' Employ New Commission Report ');
fetch c1 into veno,vname,vcomm;
exit when c1%notfound;
if vcomm is null then
vcomm := 3000;
elsif vcomm = 0 then
vcomm := 2500;
vcomm := vcomm + vcomm * .25;
end if;
update emp set comm = vcomm
where empno = veno;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount||' '||veno
||' '||vname||' '||vcomm);
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount ||' Employees are updated with new commission ');
close c1;
-- commit;
dbms_output.put_line(' Unable to open cursor... ');
student - roll,name,class,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6--------------------------------------------------------------
* Pl/Sql block calculates Total marks and Average marks of all students & Give Average marks of class:
cursor c2 is select roll,name,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6 from student where class = 10;
i c2%rowtype; -- cursor record type declaration
totmarks number(6);
avgmarks number(5,2);
classtot number(12) := 0 ;
classavg number(7,2);
open c2;
dbms_output.put_line(' Student Report ');
fetch c2 into i;
exit when c2%notfound;
totmarks := i.m1 + i.m2 + i.m3 + i.m4 + i.m5 + i.m6;
avgmarks := totmarks / 6;
classtot := classtot + totmarks;
dbms_output.put_line(i.roll||' '||
||' '||totmarks||' '||avgmarks);
end loop;
classavg := classtot / c2%rowcount;
dbms_output.put_line('Average marks of Class is : '||classavg);
close c2;
create " Item_Master " Table and insert the rows.
Itno -- 101
Name -- RICE
UOM - (Pcs,Ltr,Mtr,Kgs)(Unit of Measurement) -- Kgs
Class - (A,B,C) -- C
Description -- Sona Masoori high quality
Rate -- 38
ROL ( Re order Level ) -- 100
ROQ ( Re order Quantity ) -- 500
QOH ( Quantity on hand ) -- 60
* Write a pl/sql program to print the item details with total value ( qoh * rate ) and also print total value of entire stock.
* Write a pl/sql program to print the items to be Re-ordered. ( if qoh <= rol ).
* Pl/SQL Block using Cursor with operations:
cursor c2 is select * from dept;
i c2%rowtype;
open c2;
fetch c2 into i;
exit when c2%notfound;
Dbms_output.put_line(c2%rowcount||' '||i.deptno
||' '||i.dname||' '||i.loc);
end loop;
close c2;
Cursor For Loop:
used to perform cursor operations automatically.
Improves performance.
For < variable > in <cursor name> loop
< Exec stmts >;
End loop;
Advantage: No need to
1. open cursor
2. fetch rows
3. check for end of rows
4. close cursor
5. declare variables
* Pl/SQL Block using Cursor For Loop: declare
cursor c2 is select * from dept;
for i in c2 loop
dbms_output.put_line(c2%rowcount||' '||i.deptno
||' '||i.dname||' '||i.loc);
end loop; -- close cursor
for i in c2 loop ---> declares i variable
open cursor fetch 1 row into i
check for end of rows
Ex: Different Cursor Declarations
Cursor with Equi join: cursor ecur is select empno,ename,sal,job,emp.deptno,dname,loc from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
cursor with arthematic expressions :
cursor epays is select empno ecode, sal basic,
round(sal *.25) da, round(sal * .35) hra,
round(sal * .15) pf,
round(sal + sal * .25 + sal * .35 - sal * .15) gross
from emp where sal >= 7000;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employees Pay Report ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Ecode Basic Da Hra Pf Gross ');
for k in epays loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.ecode||' '||k.basic
||' '||k.da||' '||k.hra||' '||||' '||k.gross);
end loop;
Cursor Using Scalar Query: declare
cursor c3 is select empno, ename, job, sal,
(select min(sal) from emp where job = E.job) Lopay,
(select max(sal) from emp where job = E.job) Hipay
from emp E order by job;
dbms_output.put_line(' Job wise Salary Limits ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Empno Emp name Job Salary Lopay Hipay ');
for k in c3 loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.empno||' '||k.ename
||' '||k.job||' '||k.sal||' '||k.lopay||' '||k.hipay);
end loop;
cursor c2 is select * from dept;
for i in c2 loop
dbms_output.put_line(c2%rowcount||' '||i.deptno
||' '||i.dname||' '||i.loc);
end loop; -- close cursor
for i in c2 loop ---> declares i variable
open cursor fetch 1 row into i
check for end of rows
Ex: Different Cursor Declarations
Cursor with Equi join: cursor ecur is select empno,ename,sal,job,emp.deptno,dname,loc from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
cursor with arthematic expressions :
cursor epays is select empno ecode, sal basic,
round(sal *.25) da, round(sal * .35) hra,
round(sal * .15) pf,
round(sal + sal * .25 + sal * .35 - sal * .15) gross
from emp where sal >= 7000;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employees Pay Report ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Ecode Basic Da Hra Pf Gross ');
for k in epays loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.ecode||' '||k.basic
||' '||k.da||' '||k.hra||' '||||' '||k.gross);
end loop;
Cursor Using Scalar Query: declare
cursor c3 is select empno, ename, job, sal,
(select min(sal) from emp where job = E.job) Lopay,
(select max(sal) from emp where job = E.job) Hipay
from emp E order by job;
dbms_output.put_line(' Job wise Salary Limits ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Empno Emp name Job Salary Lopay Hipay ');
for k in c3 loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.empno||' '||k.ename
||' '||k.job||' '||k.sal||' '||k.lopay||' '||k.hipay);
end loop;
* Pl/Sql Block calculating Bonus for all employees: declare
cursor c1 is select empno, ename,
sal + nvl(comm,0) net, job from emp order by sal;
i c1%rowtype;
bonus number(20,2);
-- totbonus number(20) := 0;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employee Bonus Report ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Sno Empno Emp Name Job Bonus ');
for i in c1 loop
if i.job = 'CLERK' then
bonus := round( * 1.25);
elsif i.job = 'SALESMAN' then
bonus := round( * 1.35);
elsif i.job = 'MANAGER' then
bonus := round( * 1.65);
bonus := round( * 1.75);
end if;
-- totbonus := totbonus + bonus;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount||' '||
i.empno||' '||i.ename||' '||i.job||' '||bonus);
-- Calculate bonus for first 10 lowest paid
-- employees only
-- exit when (c1%rowcount >= 10);
-- total bonus upto 200000 only
-- IF totbonus > 200000 THEN
-- exit;
-- END IF;
end loop;
exit when (c1%rowcount >= 10 or
totbonus >= 200000);
cursor c1 is select empno, ename,
sal + nvl(comm,0) net, job from emp order by sal;
i c1%rowtype;
bonus number(20,2);
-- totbonus number(20) := 0;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employee Bonus Report ');
dbms_output.put_line(' Sno Empno Emp Name Job Bonus ');
for i in c1 loop
if i.job = 'CLERK' then
bonus := round( * 1.25);
elsif i.job = 'SALESMAN' then
bonus := round( * 1.35);
elsif i.job = 'MANAGER' then
bonus := round( * 1.65);
bonus := round( * 1.75);
end if;
-- totbonus := totbonus + bonus;
dbms_output.put_line(c1%rowcount||' '||
i.empno||' '||i.ename||' '||i.job||' '||bonus);
-- Calculate bonus for first 10 lowest paid
-- employees only
-- exit when (c1%rowcount >= 10);
-- total bonus upto 200000 only
-- IF totbonus > 200000 THEN
-- exit;
-- END IF;
end loop;
exit when (c1%rowcount >= 10 or
totbonus >= 200000);
Write a Pl/sql program to print 2 Tables content independently with proper Titles as below : Deparment Information
Dept id Dept Name Location
Employee Information
Empno Emp Name Salary .......
Dept id Dept Name Location
Employee Information
Empno Emp Name Salary .......
Cursor With Parameters: (8.0) Used to accept the input dynamically while opening the cursor.
Supports to define generalized cursors.
Maximum 32 parameters can be passed to Cursor.
Dedicated cursor
cursor c1 is select * from emp where
deptno = 10;
-- Dynamic cursor
cursor c1(dno number) is select * from emp
where deptno = dno;
open c1(10);
close c1;
open c1(30);
close c1;
* Pl/Sql block calculates increment for a particular dept employees. ( using Cursor Parameters ):
cursor c1(dno number) is select * from emp
where deptno = dno;
i c1%rowtype;
incr number(16);
net number(16,2);
expr number(2);
open c1(&dept);
dbms_output.put_line(' Employ Increment
Report ');
fetch c1 into i;
exit when c1%notfound;
net := i.sal + nvl(i.comm,0);
expr :=
if expr <= 2 then
incr := net *.25;
elsif expr < 5 then
incr := net * .45;
incr := net * .65;
end if;
update emp set sal = sal + incr
where empno = i.empno;
dbms_output.put_line(i.empno||' '||i.ename
||' '||i.job||' '||expr||' '||incr);
end loop;
close c1;
-- commit;
-- Re-opening cursor in For loop
dbms_output.put_line ( 'Employ Details are :' );
for k in c1(&deptid) loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.empno||' '||k.ename
||' '||k.job||' '||k.hiredate);
end loop;
Ex 2:
cursor c2(dno number, vjob varchar2) is
select * from emp where deptno = dno
and job = vjob;
* open c2(30,'CLERK');
* for i in c2(20,'SALESMAN') loop
Ex 3:
cursor c3(vcourse varchar2,vtime varchar2) is
select * from student where course = vcourse
and timing = vtime;
* open c3('Oracle9i','10 am');
* for k in c3('Oracle9i','4.30 pm') loop
cursor c4 is select * from student
where course = '&course';
* It is valid in oracle sql environment. Not supported while using Pl/sql programs in other s/w tools .
* Cursor Parameters are used to pass values from other Application s/w tools like Java , .Net,
Developer 6i, ERP's , ..... etc
* Explicit cursors are used to retrieve Huge loads of data from multiple tables into Logical memory for processing purpose .
Implicit Cursors: - Automatically defined by oracle whenever " DML" operations are performed by user.
- It has a fixed name " SQL ".
* - It gives the status of "DML" stmts in pl/sql Block
- It will not support cursor operations.
- It supports %found,%notfound,%rowcount attributes.
%found returns TRUE if DML is success.
%notfound returns TRUE if DML is failure.
%rowcount returns no.of rows manipulated by DML statement. %isopen is not valid.
>update emp set sal = sal + 2000
where empno = 790;
update emp set sal = sal + 2000
where empno = 790;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employ Updated ');
In above program we r unable to find DML stmt Status.
Using Implicit cursor it is possible to know status.
Using Implicit cursors:
vdept number(2) := &dept;
update emp set sal = sal + 1000
where deptno = vdept;
if sql%Notfound then
dbms_output.put_line('Unable to Update rows - No such dept exists');
dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount||' Employees are updated sucessfully ');
end if;
vdept number(2) := &dept;
delete from emp where deptno = vdept;
if sql%rowcount > 3 then
dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid operation - cannot remove more than 3 employees ');
dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount||' Employees are removed');
end if;
cursor c1(dno number) is select * from emp
where deptno = dno;
i c1%rowtype;
incr number(16);
net number(16,2);
expr number(2);
open c1(&dept);
dbms_output.put_line(' Employ Increment
Report ');
fetch c1 into i;
exit when c1%notfound;
net := i.sal + nvl(i.comm,0);
expr :=
if expr <= 2 then
incr := net *.25;
elsif expr < 5 then
incr := net * .45;
incr := net * .65;
end if;
update emp set sal = sal + incr
where empno = i.empno;
dbms_output.put_line(i.empno||' '||i.ename
||' '||i.job||' '||expr||' '||incr);
end loop;
close c1;
-- commit;
-- Re-opening cursor in For loop
dbms_output.put_line ( 'Employ Details are :' );
for k in c1(&deptid) loop
dbms_output.put_line(k.empno||' '||k.ename
||' '||k.job||' '||k.hiredate);
end loop;
Ex 2:
cursor c2(dno number, vjob varchar2) is
select * from emp where deptno = dno
and job = vjob;
* open c2(30,'CLERK');
* for i in c2(20,'SALESMAN') loop
Ex 3:
cursor c3(vcourse varchar2,vtime varchar2) is
select * from student where course = vcourse
and timing = vtime;
* open c3('Oracle9i','10 am');
* for k in c3('Oracle9i','4.30 pm') loop
cursor c4 is select * from student
where course = '&course';
* It is valid in oracle sql environment. Not supported while using Pl/sql programs in other s/w tools .
* Cursor Parameters are used to pass values from other Application s/w tools like Java , .Net,
Developer 6i, ERP's , ..... etc
* Explicit cursors are used to retrieve Huge loads of data from multiple tables into Logical memory for processing purpose .
Implicit Cursors: - Automatically defined by oracle whenever " DML" operations are performed by user.
- It has a fixed name " SQL ".
* - It gives the status of "DML" stmts in pl/sql Block
- It will not support cursor operations.
- It supports %found,%notfound,%rowcount attributes.
%found returns TRUE if DML is success.
%notfound returns TRUE if DML is failure.
%rowcount returns no.of rows manipulated by DML statement. %isopen is not valid.
>update emp set sal = sal + 2000
where empno = 790;
update emp set sal = sal + 2000
where empno = 790;
dbms_output.put_line(' Employ Updated ');
In above program we r unable to find DML stmt Status.
Using Implicit cursor it is possible to know status.
Using Implicit cursors:
vdept number(2) := &dept;
update emp set sal = sal + 1000
where deptno = vdept;
if sql%Notfound then
dbms_output.put_line('Unable to Update rows - No such dept exists');
dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount||' Employees are updated sucessfully ');
end if;
vdept number(2) := &dept;
delete from emp where deptno = vdept;
if sql%rowcount > 3 then
dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid operation - cannot remove more than 3 employees ');
dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount||' Employees are removed');
end if;
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