
About Me

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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

100+ Topics Covered in my Blog

  1. Concurrent Program and Executable Details
  2. Get the Complete history of concurrent programs
  3. Script to find the list of responsibility's for which the program assigned
  4. Script to find the Submitted Concurrent program request details (Program name, user name, responsibility name)
  5. Script to Identify Concurrent Programs with trace enabled
  6. Script to display status of all the Concurrent Managers
  7. Script to get Concurrent Program and Executable Details
  8. Script to find Scheduled concurrent programs and request sets
  9. Working with Trace file for a concurrent program
  10. Create a Trace for Concurrent_program
  11. Status_Code and Phase_Code meaning in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST table
  12. Query too Find Profile Option Values
  • Application - Inquiry
  1. Script to get Login Passwords for application & Data Base instances
  2. Latest cloned date and Version of Oracle application
  3. Script to find the list users logged into application
  4. Script to Check Current Applied Patch & Patch level status of all modules
  5. Script to find the list of Forms used in application.
  6. Script to find Application Login URL from backend
  7. Useful script on Oracle alert History
  8. Oracle Apps Shortcut Keys
  9. Steps to generate Action Plan
  10. Tracing techniques in oracle applications
  • Database - Inquiry
  1. Sequence of SQL statement processed -- basic knowledge to increase the performance of your script
  2. Get all the views that refer a particular table
  3. Script to check Responsibilities assigned to a particular user or users assigned for particular responsibility or all users and their responsibilities:
  4. Oracle Flashback Query: Recovering at the Row Level (Recover deleted rows)
  5. Search all packages for a line of code
  6. Script to find Oracle API's for any module:
  7. Query to find profile Option values at user and responsibility level
  8. How to Referesh Materialized Views
  • Twisted Queries

Workflows - Inquiry :
  1. Delegation or Vacation rule details
  2. List of all active workflow users and their roles
  3. important-tables-for-workflows.html
Reports -Inquiry:
  1. Script to find the XML template code using RTF name
  2. Enable/Disable the parameter field Dynamically
  3. Create XML Publisher Report(With out RDF file)
  4. Oracle Discoverer Reports and EUL Table 
Conversions  / Interface:
  1. Creating Install Base for all the Sales Order (for which it is missing)
Tables / API informations :
  1. Oracle Apps Base Tables and Interface Tables
  2. Oracle Apps Tables changes from 11i to R12
  3. Oracle Apps Receivables (AR) Tables
  4. Oracle Apps: Payables Table structure
  5. Oracle Order to Cash tables: O2C tables
  6. Oracle Cash Management important tables
  7. Key tables for SLA in R12 and SLA Workflow
  8. Oracle E-Business Tax Tables
  9. Oracle Fixed Assets Useful Tables and its usages
  10. Oracle Property Manager Tables:

Interview :
  1. Oracle-appss Interview-questions
Forms / Personalization :
  1. Making field as mandatory using Forms Personalization
Unix :
  1. UNIX : Loading records in to table using SQL LOADER
  2. UNIX: FND_LOAD commands
  3. Usage of :$FLEX$ in oracle apps
  4. Steps to Move a Concurrent program from one instance(Database) to other
  5. Bouncing Apache 

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