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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Sunday, September 18

Create a Responsibility for the Controller (Required) in R12


  • Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

  • You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.


Create a Responsibility

1. Responsibility = System Administrator

2. Navigate to the Responsibilities window

  • (N) Security > Responsibility > Define

  • Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXBOOK

  • Application = General Ledger

  • Responsibility Key = XXBOOK

Fill in Data Group Details

3. Fill in Data Group details

  • Name = Standard

  • Application = General Ledger

Assign a Menu

4. Assign a menu.


Fill in Request Group Details

5. Fill in request group details.

  • Name = GL Concurrent Program Group

  • Application = Oracle General Ledger

6. Save

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Associate a Set of Books with the Responsibility

8. Navigate to the System Profile Options window

  • (N) Profile > System

  • Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXBOOK

  • Profile = GL Set of Books Name

9. (B) Find

10. Click in Responsibility field


11. Save

Attach the Responsibility to Your User

12. Navigate to the Define Users window

  • (N) Security > User > Define

13. Query your user

14. Add the XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXBOOK responsibility with a security group of Standard

15. Save

16. Switch your responsibility.

  • (M) File > Switch Responsibility

  • Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXBOOK

Note: When you when you enter the new set of books, the Enter Journals screen ((N) Journals > Enter) will display the short name of the set of books in parentheses in the title bar.

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