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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Friday, September 30

Troubleshooting: Responsibility not Visible by User After unendate

It can happen that after unendating a responsibility assignment, the user cannot see that responsibility. To solve this problem there are 2 procedures that can help:

1. Run the request ‘Sync responsibility role data into the WF table’.
2. Run the request “Synchronize WF LOCAL tables”.
3. Run the request “Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation” (with parameters 10000, yes,
yes, yes).
4. Have the user log off and back on and verify that the responsibility appears.

If after that the problem is not solved yet, then it’s possible to use the System Administrator responsibility: Workflow -> Oracle Applications Manager -> Workflow Manager

troubleshooting responsibility not visible by user after unendate 01 Troubleshooting: Responsibility not Visible by User After unendate
space Troubleshooting: Responsibility not Visible by User After unendate

Selecting ‘Service Components’ and starting the following listeners:
- Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener
- Workflow Error Agent Listener
- Workflow Java Deferred Agent Listener
- Workflow Java Error Agent Listener

troubleshooting responsibility not visible by user after unendate 02 Troubleshooting: Responsibility not Visible by User After unendate
space Troubleshooting: Responsibility not Visible by User After unendate

The user should then be able to use the unendate responsibility.

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