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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, September 28

Find Table and Column Name with table and column description

The query below can be handy to know which tables use the column and get a small description about the table and the column.
Note if there is a custom table created and not registered in oracle apps then those tables and columns will not be listed by the query below.
SELECT fa.application_id
, fa.application_short_name
, fat.application_name
, table_name
, column_name
, ft.description table_description
, fc.description column_description
FROM fnd_tables ft
, fnd_columns fc
, fnd_application_tl fat
, fnd_application fa
WHERE ft.table_id = fc.table_id
AND fc.column_name = :column_name
AND fat.application_id = ft.application_id
AND fa.application_id = fat.application_id

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