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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, September 21

Manuval Form(6i) Development

1)Open the TEMPLETE.fmb

2)Delete Canvas,Window,Datablock

3)Create New Canvas,Window attach Property classes

4)Create New Datablock select Manuval Development

5)Goto Properties of Datablcok
1)SubClass Information = Block
2)Query Data SourceName = TableName
3)Query Data SourceColumns = Select Colunmns and Datatypes

6)Goto Canvas Define the Frame attach Properties
1)SubClass Information = FRAME_RECT
2)Layout Datablock = Select the Datablock Whatever we have created

7)Define Boiler Plate Text and Texst Items
for Text Items attach folowing Property Classes
1)SubClass Information = TEXT_ITEM
2)Coluimn Name = Database Column Name

8)Save the form

9)Change the Property called first Navigation Datablock

10)Customize Pre-Form
APP_CUSTOM package

11)Save the .fmb AND generate the .fmx

12)Register the Form in Application Developer

Implement Check Boxes:
1)Define the check Box in the Canvas

2)Attach following Property Classes
1)SubClass Information = CheckBox
2)Enter Value when Checked = whatever value we want to insert into Column
3)Enter Value when UnChecked = whatever value we want to insert into Column
4)Initial Value =Default Value
5)Label =Whatever the Name we would like to display
6)Column Name = Database Column Name

Implement Radio Buttons:
1)Define the Radio Buttons

2)Under Same Group

3)Attach following Properties
1)SubClass Information = Radio Button
2)Label =Whatever the Name we would like to display
3)Radio Button Value =whatever value we want to insert into Column

4)Goto Object Navigator Select Radio Group Proiperties

5)Attach following Properties
1)SubClass Information = Radio Group
2)Initial Value = Default Value
3)Column Name = Database Column Name

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