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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, September 14

How To Pass Function Parameters(Forms Pers)

To launch a form with dynamic parameters that are named. Launching a form is no problem with Forms Personalization, you simply have a ‘Built-In’ action with the type ‘Launch a Function’.

Forms Personalization: Launch a Function

Knowing what to put in the parameter field is where I got a little lost. I needed to pass through multiple NAMED parameters consisting of information from the form itself (block.item) and SQL Statements. For example:

value1 is a field on the current form I was personalizing
value2 is the result of a SQL statement

The documentation for Forms Personalization did not really have too much meat as to how to do this, so through some trial and error, the documentation, some forum postings and a My Oracle Support note (429604.1)… I found the following to be true.

1. You can pass form field values as named parameters using the following syntax:
‘PARAM1=’ || ${item...value} || ‘ PARAM2=’ || ${item...value}

2. Additionally, you can pass form field values as named parameters using the following syntax:
=’PARAM1=’ || :block.item || ‘ PARAM2=’ || :block.item

3. You can pass the value returned from a select statement as a named parameter using the following syntax:
=select ‘PARAM1=’ || A from

where = <:block.item>

4. And finally you can combine 2 & 3 above to pass both form field values and the result of a SQL statement at the same time using the following syntax:
==select ‘PARAM1=’ || <:block.item> || ‘ PARAM2=’ || A from

where x = &lt:block.item>

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