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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, September 14

Initialize Apps

l_appl_id NUMBER;
l_appl_name VARCHAR2 (100) := 'PA';
l_user_id NUMBER;
l_user_name VARCHAR2 (100) := 'OPERATIONS';
l_responsibility_id NUMBER;
l_resp_name VARCHAR2 (200)
:= 'Projects, Vision Operations (USA)';

-- To get the Application ID of given Application.
SELECT application_id
INTO l_appl_id
FROM fnd_application
WHERE application_short_name = l_appl_name;

-- To get the User ID information of given user
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = l_user_name;

-- To get the Resp ID information of the given responsibility.
SELECT responsibility_id
INTO l_responsibility_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name AND application_id = l_appl_id;

--Initialixze the Application to use the API.
fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_responsibility_id, l_appl_id);

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