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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, November 23


Important columns: 
  1. INVOICE_ID : Invoice identifier
  2. LINE_LOCATION_ID :  Purchase order line location identifier
  3. HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE : Name of hold code
  4. HELD_BY : User that placed hold on invoice
  5. HOLD_DATE : Date user placed hold on invoice
  6. HOLD_REASON : Reason for hold being placed on invoice
  7. RELEASE_LOOKUP_CODE : Name of release code
  8. RELEASE_REASON : Reason for release being placed on invoice
  9. LINE_NUMBER : Invoice line number of the applied hold
  10. HOLD_ID : Hold identifier
    WF_STATUS :  Holds resolution workflow status

AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non-matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice-shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table.
This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window.
In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Payables Invoice Validation), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID, and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.

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