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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, November 23


Table Or View: Table
Important columns: 
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID : Inventory item identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID : Organization identifier
ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID : Accounting rule identifier
INVOICING_RULE_ID : Invoicing rule identifier
PURCHASING_ITEM_FLAG: Flag indicating purchasing item
SHIPPABLE_ITEM_FLAG : Flag indicating shippable item
CUSTOMER_ORDER_FLAG : Flag indicating customer orderable item
INTERNAL_ORDER_FLAG : Flag indicating internally orderable item
SERVICE_ITEM_FLAG : Flag indicating service item
INVENTORY_ITEM_FLAG : Flag indicating inventory item
ENG_ITEM_FLAG : Flag indicating engineering item
INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG : Flag indicating item is an inventory asset
PURCHASING_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item is purchasable
CUSTOMER_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item is customer orderable
INTERNAL_ORDER_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item is internally orderable
SO_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG VARCHAR2 : Sales order transactions flag
MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item is transactable
STOCK_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item is stockable
BOM_ENABLED_FLAG : Flag indicating item may appear on a BOM
BUILD_IN_WIP_FLAG : Flag indicating item may be built in WIP

MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B is the definition table for items. This table holds the definitions for inventory items, engineering items, and purchasing items. You can specify item-related information in fields such as: Bill of Material, Costing, Purchasing, Receiving, Inventory, Physical attributes, General Planning, MPS/MRP Planning, Lead times, Work in Process, Order Management, and Invoicing.
You can set up the item with multiple segments, since it is implemented as a flexfield. Use the standard 'System Items' flexfield that is shipped with the product to configure your item flexfield.
The primary key for an item is the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID. Therefore, the same item can be defined in more than one organization.
Each item is initially defined in an item master organization. The user then assigns the item to other organizations that need to recognize this item. A row is inserted for each new organization the item is assigned to. Many columns such as MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED_FLAG and BOM_ENABLED_FLAG correspond to item attributes defined in the MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES table. The attributes that are available to the user depend on which 

Oracle applications are installed. The table MTL_ATTR_APPL_DEPENDENCIES maintains the relationships between item attributes and Oracle applications.
Two unit of measure columns are stored in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table. PRIMARY_UOM_CODE is the 3-character unit that is used throughout Oracle Manufacturing. PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE is the 25-character Unit of Measure that is used throughout Oracle Purchasing. Unlike the PRIMARY_UOM_CODE, the Unit of Measure is language-dependent attribute, however, PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE column stores value in the installation base language only.
Items now support multilingual description. MLS is implemented with a pair of tables: MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B and MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL. Translations table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_TL) holds item Description and Long Description in multiple languages. DESCRIPTION column in the base table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B) is for backward compatibility and is maintained in the installation base language only.

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