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Oracle Apps - Techno Functional consultant

Wednesday, November 23


Important columns: 
INVOICE_ID : Invoice identifier.Validated against AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.INVOICE_ID
INVOICE_LINE_ID :  Invoice line identifier
LINE_NUMBER : Invoice line number
LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE : Type of invoice line (Item, Freight, Tax, Miscellaneous)
LINE_GROUP_NUMBER NUMBER : Value to identify each item line to which you want to prorate 
This is the lines interface table for the AP Invoice Open  Interface. Use it in conjunction with AP_INVOICE_INTERFACE table.
AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE stores information used to create one or more invoice distributions. Note that one row in this table may create, during the import process, more than one invoice distribution. For example, if you enter a Tax line in this table and prorate it across multiple Item lines, during Open Interface Import the system may create multiple Tax invoice distributions based on the single Tax line in this table

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